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Creator Çılgın Video


writed by: John Krasinski, Scott Beck

Cast: Emily Blunt

John Krasinski


Trailer repetitivo, AFF. Watch Movie A Quiet place like. Im honestly excited for this. Ive been dying to know more about these things. And plus, its gonna be interesting to see how more dialogue affects the tone.


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Talking about your People will find plot holes in real life accounts point, my Grandfather was born just shortly after the turn of the century and so he lived through a LOT of history. After he retired, he and Grandma were living near a university that offered a free course for senior citizens, so Grandpa (who, btw, had for a number of years written a column for the local paper) decided to take a class on writing (he figured that you can always learn something new. So as he began this course on writing, he decided that he'd draw on his own experiences and write accounts of events from his life. The students that were with him in the class (a bunch of 20-something college students) told him multiple times that his writing wasn't good because the stories he wrote just weren't believable (again, he was writing about things that had happened to him during his life. So, yes, you are completely accurate with that statement.

Kevin woulf be definitely dead in this. SO GOOD. He looks like humpty dumpty but reversed. Edit Release Dates France 18 March 2020 Indonesia Philippines Australia 19 March 2020 Germany Denmark UK Greece Hong Kong Hungary Italy Netherlands Portugal Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovakia Ukraine Bulgaria 20 March 2020 Spain Finland Iceland Norway Sweden Turkey USA Lithuania 27 March 2020 Latvia Argentina 16 April 2020 Also Known As (AKA) (original title) A Quiet Place Part II A Quiet Place: Part II Brazil Um Lugar Silencioso - Parte II Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Нито звук 2 Canada (English title) Hiljainen paikka osa II Sans un bruit 2 Germany (alternative title) A Quiet Place 2 Ένα Ήσυχο Μέρος 2 Hong Kong (Cantonese title) 無聲絕境2 Hang nélkül 2 India (Hindi title) A Quiet Place II Japan (Japanese title) Klusā pasaule 2 Tylos zona 2 Mexico Um Lugar Silencioso 2 Тихое место 2 Serbia Tiho mesto 2 Tiché miesto 2 Slovenia Un lugar tranquilo 2 Taiwan 噤界II Turkey (Turkish title) Sessiz Bir Yer 2 Vietnam Vùng Đất Câm Lặng Phần II World-wide (English title) (informal title) (informal title) A Quiet Place 2.

Watch Movie A Quiet Place ii 2. Is that Beck from You. I was thinking that one dude had a pickle on his chin. Watch Movie A Quiet Place ii x4. I thought that if another “quiet place” movie was made, it would be about different people. Watch movie a quiet place ii jacket. C'mon Looper, of course the sequel title has to be 2 Quiet 2 Curious, followed by A Quiet Place: Tokyo Drift. 😎. Watch Movie A Quiet place in the sun. Watch movie a quiet place ii houston. Watch Movie A Quiet place in the world. MARCH 20. Watch movie a quiet place ii tampa.

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Watch Movie A Quiet place video. Another win for the I have always loved you, the sign language makes you read the subtitles. So you're not hearing it in anyone's voice but your own, making it that much more personal. The survivors talking Me: wait thats ilegal. Watch movie a quiet place ii menu. Watch movie a quiet place ii incorporated. Tenant reminds me of Disturbia with shia. 2:34 EXACTLY SOMEONE GETS IT. that's how i judge a good or bad movie too. The kid died because the parents were a bit careless aswell, that is kinda the point. And it makes it more horrible, which makes it more real. People make mistakes and have horrible consequences, it's true, i promise.

Watch Movie A Quiet Place ii 1.

Corny movie. Whats next, you cant hear the villain. Coming this summer for all those relationships on a respirator. Cover your ears to survive. Fear In Your Ear.


5:15 Totally true she did give him back the toy even after the dad took it and warned him. Watch Movie A Quiet Place ii w. Maybe theyll explain where everyone keeps getting the sand from.

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They Look Like Cloverfield Lil Monsters... Emily Bluntin tähdittämä Hiljainen paikka on oikeasti pelottava puolitoistatuntinen. Ensi-ilta: 13. 4. 2018. / Alkuperäisnimi: A Quiet Place/ Ohjaus: John Krasinski / Käsikirjoitus: Bryan Woods & Scott Beck ja John Krasinski / Pääosissa: Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Noah Jupe, Millicent Simmonds / Pituus: 90 minuuttia / Ikäraja: K16 Yhdysvalloissa avaisjaisviikonloppunaan hitiksi muodostuneen Hiljainen paikka -elokuvan perusidea on tainnut tulla jo melkein kaikille selväksi. Jos et tiedä leffasta yhtään mitään, niin lukeminen kannattaa lopettaa tähän. Alkuvuoden paras kauhuelokuva toimii parhaiten, jos katsojalla ei ole mitään käsitystä siitä mitä on luvassa. Maailman ovat vallanneet öttiäiset, jotka saalistavat ihmisiä pelkän kuuloaistinsa varassa. Elokuva ei sisällä juuri lainkaan dialogia, sillä jo pelkkä puheääni riittää houkuttelemaan hetkessä ihmisen silpovat tappokoneet paikalle. Missään vaiheessa ei kerrota mistä hirviöt ovat tulleet, eikä muitakaan asioita avata liikaa. Se on yksi syy miksi Hiljainen paikka toimii loistavasti, mutta suurimman työn tekevät oivat näyttelijät näppärän käsikirjoituksen pohjalta. Alun johdanto esittelee kauhuissaan olevan Abbottin perheen, joka etsii tarvikkeita tavaratalosta paljain jaloin sipsutellen. Koko kaupunki on hylätty, mutta tavaraa näyttää olevan tarjolla reippaasti, joten asukkaat ovat päässeet ilmeisen nopeasti hengestään. John Krasinskin esittämä isä ja hänen oikean elämän vaimonsa, äitiä näyttelevä Emily Blunt kommunikoivat lastensa kanssa viittomakielellä. Alku tekee taitavasti selväksi sen, että elokuvan maailmassa on syytäkin pelätä. Sen jälkeen hypätään ajassa yli vuosi eteenpäin. Perhe asuu maatilalla, jossa isä opettaa Noah Jupen näyttelemälle pojalleen selviytymistaitoja, äiti on viimeisillään raskaana ja oikeasti kuuron Millicent Simmondsin esittämä tytär on kyllästynyt ylisuojeleviin vanhempiinsa. Syy miksi Abbottit ovat edelleen hengissä lienee juuri se, että he kykenevät kommunikoimaan keskenään viittomalla. Isää esittävä Krasinski on myös ohjannut elokuvan ja osallistunut käsikirjoituksen rustaamiseen. Hän luottaa loppuun asti siihen, ettei asioita tarvitse selittää liikaa, vaan kaikki aukeaa katsojalle pikkuhiljaa. Näyttelijöillä on ollut melkoinen työ avata asuttamansa maailman tila puhumatta, mutta kaikki selviävät osistaan loistavasti. Parhaata työtä tekevät Blunt ja Simmonds, joiden molempien kasvoilta ja kehonkielestä selviää kaikki tarpeellinen, jopa ilman viittomista. Elokuvan maailmaan uskoo, vaikka yhtään tarkemmin tarkasteltuna juoni on täynnä aukkoja ja hahmot toimivat typerästikin. Tarinan henkilöiden välinen kemia ja psykologia toimivat ja heidän tekemänsä hölmöimmätkin ratkaisut tuntuvat oikeilta juuri sillä hetkellä. Hiljainen paikka on sopivan mittainen 90 minuutin kestossaan, sillä pidempänä se olisi voinut muuttua epämiellyttäväksi kokemukseksi. Leffa ei nimittäin hellitä hetkeksikään, vaan sitä saa tuijottaa sydän pamppaillen koko ajan. Vaarantunne on läsnä läpi elokuvan. Sen enempää spoilaamatta totean kylpyammeessa tapahtuvan kohtauksen olevan jännittävintä mitä muistan nähneeni todella pitkään aikaan. Kuvaaja Charlotte Bruus Christensenin taltioima haalea maailma ei ole luotaantyöntävä, vaan päinvastoin. Ilman tappavaa vaaraa maatila, pellot ja ympäröivät metsät näyttävät mukavilta paikoilta, joissa viettäisi mieluusti lämmintä kesäpäivää. Rauhoittavan luonnon ja yliluonnollisen uhan ristiriita tekee vaanivista monstereista entistä pelottavimpia. Yhtään tarkemmin olentojen olomuotoa ja ulkonäköä kuvailematta niiden voi kehua toimivan päivänvalossakin, eivätkä hirviöt näytä liikaa tietokonetehosteilta. Hiljainen paikka olisi voinut ottaa vielä enemmän riskejä ja jättää jopa kommunikoinnin viittomakielellä pois. Lisäksi musiikin ja muut kuin luonnolliset äänitehosteet, joilla leffa säikyttelee vähän liikaakin olisi voinut unohtaa kokonaan. Kyse on kuitenkin suurelle yleisölle suunnatusta kauhupätkästä, joten näistä on turha kitistä liikoja. Suurin harmistuksen aihe ei ole elokuvan itsensä syytä. Pressinäytöksessä parikymmentä töissä olevaa toimittajaa osasi olla hipihiljaa puolentoista tunnin ajan, mutta veikkaan moisen olevan täysin mahdotonta loppuunmyydyssä salissa vaikkapa perjantai-iltana. Leffa vaatii kunnolla toimiakseen yleisön olevan aivan ääneti, mutta yritäpä saada perinteinen karkkipussinrapistelija tai kännykänräplääjä ymmärtämään moinen. Hiljainen paikka luottaa yksinkertaiseen ideaansa ja saa katsojan miettimään mitä itse tekisi vastaavassa tilanteessa. Aiemmin lähinnä Konttori -sarjan jenkkiversion näyttelijänä tunnettu Krasinski paljastuu asiansa osaavaksi ohjaajaksi. HILJAINEN PAIKKA ”Hiljainen paikka on taatusti yksi tämän vuoden parhaista kauhuelokuvista. ”

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About The Author Sophie drx
Info: WoSo, LGBT stuff, Photography & cute kittens. #coolPeopleCreditThePhotographer

Genre: Romance
Director: Céline Sciamma
writed by: Céline Sciamma
release date: 2019

average rating: 9 / 10 stars
Yesss Queen! 👌🔥👏. Oh my godddddd, perfect. Alors ÇA, j'ai tellement hâte de le voir. Le soulagement c'est savoir que ces tiques sont finalement leurs propres tortionnaires. Plus ils pèsent des millions plus vite ils s'asphyxiront ensemble. L'air pur bientôt pour nous et la fosse aux millions pour eux. 5500 la nuit, c'est indécent pour le commun des mortels... What is your favorite book by Bourdieu (a french sociologist. a : I red many books by Bourdieu but la domination masculine (male domination) is very good. This book is very complete and it shows a way the domination applies by transforming the history of some things (I'm sorry if it's not clear. It transforms things by using it always happened like that and it's really an argument of domination, that we can find everywhere. q : how do you feel about owning the Cesar Award for Best Actress ? a : I was really happy... My answer is stupid xD but in reality the Cesar that touched me the most was the one that I received for the best supporting role. The Cesar for les combattantes, I was really happy but I wasn't affected like I was for the cesar for Suzanne. q : What is your favorite philosopher ? a : Barthes. Because I love all he do. He is between the pure reflection and the heat, there is something of the order of flavor in what it offers. I feel like he's my grandpa. q : How was it to play in a comedy ? a : It's true that we thing we have to overreacting to be comic, whereas in the movie here, the comic works a lot by unlearning. Not by doing more but by doing less. q : Who is your mentor in the comedy ? a : Jim Carrey. He is amazing, he is totally crazy. He looks like Pio... He goes super deep in the scenes but without being did you see me (I don't know if it exist in English, it's a french expression that means pretentious) look how I know how to do well etc. When in dumb and dumber he goes out of the dream by imitating the fish for example, it's amazing! q : Is it you the new Catherine Deneuve (a french old actress. a : mmmh I don't know. She is someone very admirable in her career, Catherine Deneuve... So for now well rather look at our feet and try to continue to move forward. q : What are your futur projects ? a : First I'll do a movie with Céline Sciamma named portrait of a lady in fire (❤❤) and then I'll do theater with Gisèle Vienne, from an author named Robert Walser, and the project is named Der Teich (it's German it means the pond) Voila. I'm sorry if there are some mistakes, I'm not bilingual 😅.

Nopensarenellonopensarenellonopensarenellonopensarenellonopensarenello. I haven't watched this yet but this is literally best movie of the decade. Where could I watch this movie. Somebody tell me😭😭😭. Reminded me of Sue and Maud of Fingersmith. What a wonderful movie. In my mind I am still walking on the beach with Marianne and Héloïse. The acting performance of the two leading actrices Noémi Merlant and Adèle Haenel is superb. There are also very beautiful woman to look at, especially Merlant is one of the most gorgeous looking actrices I have ever seen.
Although I am a hetero man, I was totally involved with the moving love affair between Marianne and Héloïse.
I did read a lot of reviews about this film, which were almost all very praising. And I was already enchanted after seeing the trailer at the cinema.
I went to see the movie in a very small theatre of a small cinema. But there was no seat anymore left for this true masterpiece. The public was very quiet during the presentation of the film. This is always a good sign. It is actually a shame that these kind of movies are not shown on a big stage. However, it is perhaps even better to see 'Portrait de la jeune fille en feu' in an intimate environment.
I was moved the whole way long, and especially the end was so strong and left me and a lot of people in tears.
This is by far the best movie that I did see this year 2019 (and it is already november. followed in my list of movies that I have seen at the cinema by 2) Green Book; 3) Roma; 4) Hors normes; 5) Dolor y gloria; 6) The Wild Pear Tree; 7) If Beale Street Could Talk; 8) Ad Astra; 9) Arctic; 10) Parasite. br> So leave your house and try to see this marvellous painting of a movie at the cinema, because the cinematography and beautiful 'painted shots' are so much better to admire there than at home.

Fer forgé. I feel the silence, passion and the desire of their love. it´s so strong story. i´m falling in their love and i´m so happy. so amazing, so affectionate. 3. 9:43 She is so cuteeeeeee, I can imagine Adele doing that *jumping* hello, I'm Adele 🤣 OMG cuteeeeeeee. Nepraleisk šio vieno vaikino filmo. Arrière.


I just love it 🤗❤️. 2:40 😏❣.


Un moment terrible. Adèle Haenel est terrible. D'artifice. Every single SCENE in the movie was pure art. a true FEAST FOR THE EYES. Quel gâchis, c'est affreux! Une poignée de ces 'stars' résoudraient le problème de la famine dans tous les continents. J'ai été aussi fort étonnée qu'il y ait des toilettes? sont dons des êtres humains comme nous! Par ailleurs, je me demande s'ils sont vraiment heureux dans leur vie personnelle. Des enfant meurent tous les jours de faim et de maladie... Celines rollercoaster sounds were so cute LOL LOVE HER.







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  1. Writer: Eric Morain
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Star - Vlad Ivanov
release Year - 2019
Story - A corrupt police inspector from Bucharest travels to the Canary island of La Gomera to master an ancestral whistling language in order to facilitate the jailbreaking of a controversial Romanian businessman with access to thirty million euros
tomatometers - 6,7 / 10 Star
genre - Comedy
Corneliu Porumboiu
Superbe chanson. des gens connaissent d'autres chanson dans ce style. c'est ultra agréable. Elle me donne envie cet bande d annonce en tous cas perso. Muzyka i klip super. Dla RANDKOLOGI i zainteresowanych jo177@wp. Stereomood bring me here. Je viens de le voir il est génial j'adore 😁😁. Et ben dis donc. tellement mauvais que jai pas tenu une minute. Encore une bonne grosse daubasse, toujours avec les mêmes têtes, un scénario inexistant, et par dessus tout, financée par nos impôts, pour lException Culturelle Française, tu parles. Létat parle de faire des économies : là on peut faire des coupes franches, pour le bien de tous.

1:35 c quoi ce fx.


Super intéressant! Mais l'air niais et continuellement en extase du présentateur est insupportable.

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Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar 1. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar 2017. Muito bom! Bela canção. CANARY ISLANDS the paradise! Féloche gracias por crear esta cancion, un saludo y un abrazo desde Gran canaria. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar 2. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar manual.


Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar not linear. Découvert hier soir en première partie de Matmatah : waouw ce trio-là est magique. Je retournerai les voir c'est obligé. Wahou. Amour des côtes d'armor. Chapeau bas Monsieur👏👏👏. La Gomera a.k.a. "The Whistlers" is a fun Romanian neo-noir borrowing suspense tropes from James Cain, Robert Siodmak and Jules Dassin. The premise is a cop (no unreliable voice overs here) who had to learn the idiom of the whistling language for communicating with people living in interstitial spaces inside and outside of the law. Offbeat, at times hilarious in a deadpan way and rife with truly beautiful mise en scène, the film is a deconstructed tribute to this specific and particular film genre but operates outside of it. All the characters are vividly drawn, the supporting ones carry out the one-dimensionality of their roles with a certain lived-in freshness. The use of music was also very tasteful and deliberately operatic as counterpoint to the life-and-death situations, quirkily told. Corneliu Porumboiu seems to be having fun directing this story. it shows and I for one was swept by the story and storytelling.

Une serie sans image, un film amateur sur les années 90, c'est la dedans que passe nos impôts. IslÄkçà la page. ZzzzzZZZzz Pourquoi pas ! Mais la bande annonce est totalement foirée. Ça a lair vraiment cool, jespère sincèrement que le délire K7 est pas là pour cacher la vacuité du scénario et quils ont pas tout miser sur ca pour masquer une histoire damour triviale. En vrai j ai trop envi de le voir 💎💎💎. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar review. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar vs. Ca a l air tropp biennnn. Gepe c'est toi? Xd. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar specifications. Chef d'œuvre. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar interior. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar sport. C'est l'histoire de la vie. Je fais le même avec ma bite. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar for sale. Isl c4 b1k c3 a7 c4 b1lar specs.

Malaise. ⭐ N'oubliez pas de vous abonner et d'activer la cloche pour ne plus rater les dernières Bandes Annonces en exclusivité. Fdyurfxt. Ma parole j'adore et j'l'écoute chez pas combien ds la journée 😏🤣🧙‍♂️🧚‍♀️🎵🎼🤞👌✌🤜🤛🏂🎼🎵 very vert good. Magnifico, maravilloso. es muy grande! Viva Féloche. Straight off, this movie is totally different to what you may be used when thinking about Romanian movies. Starting with the story, the cast (Catrinel Marlon is magnificent) the scenery, smart humor and hidden little gems (references to various famous scenes in other movies) this film makes you think you're watching more of a Hollywood movie than a Romanian one, although, as a downside, I must say certain characters seem to be portrayed a bit simplistic.
The story is, to some extent, a typical police one, but the twist of using the whistling language from Gomera Island enriches the plot all around as it unfolds.
I really liked the movie and I would be happy if it sets the new trend in Romanian Cinema.

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2 nominations. See more awards  » Videos Learn more More Like This Drama 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. 8 / 10 X A murder case in the Mongolian steppe. A herder is asked to guard the crime scene - a woman who resolutely scares off both wolves and her neighbor. She has her own plans for the future,... See full summary  » Director: Quan'an Wang Stars: Aorigeletu, Gangtemuer Arild, Dulamjav Enkhtaivan 6. 4 / 10 Lola controls her personal life with the same ruthless efficiency she uses to optimize profits in her job as a business consultant. But when a tragic event forces the past back into her life, Lola's grip on reality seems to slips away. Marie Kreutzer Valerie Pachner, Pia Hierzegger, Mavie Hörbiger Biography | Thriller 7. 2 / 10 A Welsh journalist breaks the news in the western media of the famine in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. Agnieszka Holland James Norton, Vanessa Kirby, Peter Sarsgaard 6. 9 / 10 A North Macedonian woman throws herself into a traditionally men-only ceremony, kicking up a ruckus and standing her ground. Teona Strugar Mitevska Zorica Nusheva, Labina Mitevska, Stefan Vujisic Mystery 6. 7 / 10 A grieving widower moves to the country where a chance encounter rekindles memories from his past. Hans Petter Moland Stellan Skarsgård, Bjørn Floberg, Tobias Santelmann Crime 7. 3 / 10 The three men, friends of childhood, will cross, compare their personal experiences and question their life of couple, family and professional. François Ozon Melvil Poupaud, Denis Ménochet, Swann Arlaud 8. 1 / 10 On her wild quest for love, 9-year-old Benni's untamed energy drives everyone around her to despair. Nora Fingscheidt Helena Zengel, Albrecht Schuch, Gabriela Maria Schmeide 7. 7 / 10 Two married couples adjust to the vast social and economic changes taking place in China from the 1980s to the present. Xiaoshuai Wang Liya Ai, Jiang Du, Zhao-Yan Guo-Zhang 6. 6 / 10 A pilot's aircraft is hijacked by terrorists. Patrick Vollrath Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Omid Memar, Aylin Tezel 7. 6 / 10 Yuma is a young Japanese woman who suffers from cerebral palsy. Torn between her obligations towards her family and her dream to become a manga artist, she struggles to lead a self-determined life. Hikari Makiko Watanabe, Minori Hagiwara, Shizuka Ishibashi A film about three siblings. All have reached a point where they have to change something quickly before the second half of their lives begins. Between chaos, inadequacies and losses, they search for a path that might lead to happiness. Edward Berger Lars Eidinger, Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Hans Löw 6. 3 / 10 Muriel farms horses and owns an almond plantation. When her grandson comes to visit her for one last time before he leaves for Canada. She learns that he has dark secrets. André Téchiné Catherine Deneuve, Kacey Mottet Klein, Oulaya Amamra Edit Storyline The story of people whose lives intertwine during a dramatic winter in New York City. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 14 February 2020 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: New York Winter Palace Box Office Opening Weekend USA: $839, 8 December 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $65, 493 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia The title of this movie is a quote from Tenessee Williams's play "A streetcar named desire". Blanche Dubois, the heroine of sorts of the play, says "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers" hinting at her past as a prostitute. The phrase was also taken up by British war correspondent Kate Adie as the title of her memoirs. See more ».

Be prepared yall — we ALL gonna be crying! 😭. I was thinking to contribute but i'm unemployed. The Kindness of Strangers ( 2019)   N/A Video Other — Other — Xvid Audio English Directed by Lone Scherfig Written by The story of people whose lives intertwine during a dramatic winter in New York City. Seek-Available The Kindness of Strangers 2019 HDRip XviD AC3-EVO[TGx] (Size: 1. 35 GB) The Kindness of 1. 35 GB 715. 00 B [TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy 689. 00 B Files view Limit 50 — Current Torrent have 3 files.

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I told a skeleton a joke, he found it rib tickling. what? Did you not find that humerus? Didnt tickle your funny bone? Well I got a skeleTON more jokes where that case from. I'm so damn glad that Ethan Hawke is back in his A Game and GODDAMN this looks so good and sad at the same time. Batman v Superman, anyone. Uprzejmosc nieznajomych film.

Harley: Joker and I broke up. Arthur Fleck: I never met this woman in my life. Uprzejmość nieznajomych film. About the Edition A young widow raising two boys, Sarah Laden is struggling to keep her family together. But when a shocking revelation rips apart the family of her closest friend, Sarah finds herself welcoming yet another troubled young boy into her already tumultuous life. Jordan, a quiet, reclusive elementary school classmate of Sarah's son Danny, has survived a terrible ordeal. By agreeing to become Jordan's foster mother, Sarah will be forced to question the things she has long believed. And as the delicate threads that bind their family begin to unravel, all the Ladens will have to face difficult truths about themselves and one another... Edition Notes Originally published: New York: William Morrow, 2005. Dewey Decimal Class 813/. 54 Library of Congress PS3561. I864 K56 2007 Pagination 393 p. ; Number of pages 393

The Kindness of Strangers Directed by Lone Scherfig Produced by Marlene Blenkov Sandra Cunningham Written by Lone Scherfig Starring Andrea Riseborough Tahar Rahim Zoe Kazan Bill Nighy Caleb Landry Jones Jay Baruchel Music by Andrew Lockington Cinematography Sebastian Blenkov Edited by Cam McLauchlin Production companies HanWay Films Ingenious Media Apollo Media Creative Alliance Strada Films WDR Distributed by Entertainment One Vertical Entertainment Release date February 7, 2019 ( Berlin) February 14, 2020 (United States) Running time 112 minutes [1] Country United States United Kingdom France Germany Sweden Canada Language English Box office $36, 713 [2] The Kindness of Strangers is a 2019 internationally co-produced drama film, written and directed by Lone Scherfig. It stars Andrea Riseborough, Zoe Kazan, Tahar Rahim, Bill Nighy, Caleb Landry Jones, and Jay Baruchel. It had its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival on February 7, 2019. It is scheduled to be released in the United States on February 14, 2020, by Vertical Entertainment. Cast [ edit] Andrea Riseborough as Alice Tahar Rahim as Mark Zoe Kazan as Clara Bill Nighy as Timofey Caleb Landry Jones as Jeff Jay Baruchel as John Production [ edit] In February 2017, it was announced Lone Scherfig would direct the film, from a screenplay she wrote, with HanWay Films, Ingenious Media, Apollo Media, Creative Alliance, Strada Films, Telefilm Canada, Danish Film Institute, Nadcon, D'Artaganan and Entertainment One serving as producers. [3] [4] In February 2018, Andrea Riseborough, Tahar Rahim and Zoe Kazan joined the cast of the film. [5] In March 2018, Bill Nighy, Caleb Landry Jones and Jay Baruchel joined the cast of the film. [6] In September 2018, it was announced the title was The Kindness of Strangers. [7] Filming [ edit] Principal photography began in March 2018, and took place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, New York City, and Copenhagen, Denmark. [8] Release [ edit] It had its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival on February 7, 2019. [9] It is scheduled to be released in the United States on February 14, 2020, by Vertical Entertainment. [10] Critical response [ edit] According to the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 5% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 19 reviews, with an average rating of 3. 89/10. [11] Metacritic reports a score of 32/100 based on 8 critcs, indicating "generally unfavorable reviews". [12] References [ edit] ^ "The Kindness of Strangers". Berlin International Film Festival. Retrieved January 29, 2019. ^ "The Kindness of Strangers (2019)". Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved January 13, 2020. ^ Pham, Annika (February 2, 2017). "Lone Scherfig's Secrets from the Russian Tea Room receives Funding". Norsidk Film. Retrieved March 26, 2018. ^ Rossing Jessen, Jorn (February 4, 2018). "Goteborg: 'An Education's' Lone Scherfig on 'Their Finest, ' the U. K. Film Industry, Entering Other Worlds". Variety. Retrieved March 26, 2018. ^ White, Peter (February 16, 2018). "Lone Scherfig Drama; HBO Europe Hacker Drama; 'Strange But True' US Deal – Berlin Briefs". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved March 26, 2018. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (March 28, 2018). "Bill Nighy, Caleb Landry Jones & Jay Baruchel Join Lone Scherfig Drama, Shoot Underway In Toronto". Retrieved March 28, 2018. ^ Barraclough, Leo (September 6, 2018). "First Look at Lone Scherfig's 'The Kindness of Strangers' (EXCLUSIVE)". Retrieved September 6, 2018. ^ Saalbach Holse, Liv (February 19, 2018). "INTERNATIONAL STELLAR CAST SIGN ON TO AWARDWINING DIRECTOR LONE SCHERFIG'S NEW FILM". Copenhagen Film Fund. Retrieved March 26, 2018. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (December 6, 2018). "Berlin 2019: Lone Scherfig's 'The Kindness Of Strangers' To Open Festival". Retrieved December 6, 2018. ^ Billington, Alex (January 13, 2020). "Zoe Kazan Leads the Official US Trailer for 'The Kindness of Strangers ' ".. Retrieved January 13, 2020. ^ "The Kindness of Strangers (2020)". Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved January 19, 2020. ^ "The Kindness of Strangers Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved January 19, 2020. External links [ edit] The Kindness of Strangers on IMDb.

Home alone 4.

The second dude needs to get into voice over work.

Harley Quinn: The Movie (and also Birds of Prey

This is like black mirror but a comedy version its great. Uprzejmość nieznajomych. After years of therapy, and beer, I can say. Shit happens You know what, forget the therapy. What illness did Blanch'e have that made her lie ALL the time to everybody. She just looked like Pretty no more Lady whose opportunities have gone to the waist side because She NEVER WORKED. SAD. I can relate to this movie we are the fifth? or 6th family i think its is freaking funny when were celebrating my father's bday the awkward is eating us up.

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Are they possibly fan-made? I was buying trek audiobooks at the time, and never saw anything like these. Besides, they’d be, like, 30 hours long. At the time, trek audiobooks were 3-hour abridgements. Worldcat lists some of the original Blish books having been recorded as “books on tape” for the blind. Maybe someone ripped some of those and put them out in the torrent-sphere.

Download Torrent rapid. Let me first say that I'm not really a big Alex Jones fan. I used to listen to him a lot, but he got way too over the top for me and there are several topics he's rabid about which I think he's completely wrong on. Add to that, I currently don't get much signal where I live. Anyway... I live in the boonies. Not much in the way of radio signals and not much cell phone coverage. In a pinch I could probably run around with my phone on and find a place to stand where I could get a signal but generally it's useless and absolutely nothing inside my house. I keep it anyway for emergencies, esp while driving (to call AAA and whatnot). SO, when I leave my sanctuary for supplies or some other trip of some kind I bring the phone. Last time I did this, I happened to catch Alex on the radio and listened for most of the journey. When I got home, the charge on the phone - which I had not used at all - was severely depleted. The only reason I noticed this is because once before the battery was depleted without being used and it was during a long trip and that time I had downloaded some Alex Jones shows via torrent and listened to them during the drive. Both times the phone was off. As far as I can remember, every other time I go out with the phone in the car it leaves and returns with a full charge, completely unchanged. What's going on here? I will do more tests next time I go for supplies, but that'll probably not be 'till next week. Anyone else have any similar experiences? Is there something I can get that will tell me if/when the phone comes on by itself in stealth mode and if/what it might be transmitting? Is this because of some keywords that are heard through the phone? WTF?

80 books! That's a lot for any amount of years, but did you mean 15 or 1. 5 years? It's astounding for 1. 5 years. I link to the community in the back of my book, but they prefer to remain private. They're behind a paywall now and I don't want to flood them with new people, so I won't link to them. There are other groups, like r/smutwriters for example! What audience do you write for? Men, women, both, or yourself? How did you get started? I write for middle-aged women, the sort that buy Fifty Shades of Grey. I got started when I stumbled upon a now-defunct thread on Something Awful by the wonderful author Delilah Fawkes. She gave us all the information we needed to begin, and those of us who followed her advice now have a nice community going. That is very interesting. What would be a first step? The first step is to write a story. 3000 to 5000 words, more if you prefer. I generally do 2000 words of story and 1000 words of sex, though you might prefer a different ratio. A different first step could include research by reading a few other erotic shorts and figuring out what you'd like to write! Hey! I remember that thread and used to spend a lot of time in bfc. Small world? Small world, indeed! Always nice to find other goons out and about. Who can I PM to be invited to join r/smutwriters? Happy to submit samples if needed. >People who are reading this, you can message the mods by addressing PMs to r/smutwriters. If we get flooded it might take us a few days, 'cuz there's like three of us and holidays and all. I'm not a jackass. :) I suppose I don't know the whole story. How does one join up with r/smutwriters? I know it's invite only, but I is it possible to message a mod about it? Send a PM addressed to r/smutwriters and ask for approval. How much do you usually make for a 2000 word story, compared to a 5000 word story? (In a year's timeframe, that is). Amazon is cracking down on stories with fewer than 2500 words. My longer stories don't really sell any better than the shorter ones, and their themes tend to matter more than wordcount. I notice that that is way low for "book word count".. most erotica books that short? There are longer ones. I just don't tend to write them. I like short stories. How easy is it to make money off these books? If your not a well known person, selling your first book would be difficult. You can't rely on just one story. You have to keep writing more. Once you have a few, they sell themselves. ಠ_ಠ I've got packing to do! People who are reading this, you can message the mods by addressing PMs to /r/smutwriters. I apologize for that! What do you think the fundamental differences are between erotica targeted to males and erotica targeted to females? Is there any middle ground writing strategies/approaches? The perspective in the story is different. I write first person, but even in third person you're going to be focusing on a main character. Most women want to read about a female character that is likable (not necessarily one that they can pretend is themselves). Most men want to read from a male perspective. That's really the only necessary difference, so long as you know what you're talking about when you write how their genitals work. If you're a woman and you don't know how a penis feels, ask your boyfriend. I asked my fiance a lot of questions at first, and I still do. The middle ground tends to be gay stories. Both gay men and straight women will read those. Someone might tell you that women like gentler sex. This is not true. We want to read about fisting and BDSM as much as men do! Gay stories about women or men? And what do you think is the reason straight women like gay stories? Women like to read about gay men, I believe. You might be interested in reading this. Why not a werewolf billionaire? Haha, there are werewolf billionaire stories out there! What do you think about 50 Shades of Grey? Well... I think it's done great things for erotica authors. I think E L James was very smart to rewrite her fanfiction and then sell it. I also think it can't be all bad if so many women love it. It clearly gave them something they've been wanting but hadn't found yet. It's not the best writing I've ever read, but I don't think every piece of fiction needs to be perfect to be enjoyable. "She cocked her head" or "He cocked his head" is in it like, once per page. Like I said, not the best writing. Just the first story like it to really catch the attention of the general public. My mother is a huge fan of romance novels in general... she said that book was tame compared to other "under promoted" authors of the genre. It definitely is tame, I'd agree with her. It's more romance than it is erotica. How many pages is your average title and how long do you spend per book writing? Is this your primary income? My books take less than 8 hours to write, in general. Unless I'm being lazy! As for pages, that depends on the format, but they tend to be 3000-5000 words. Interesting. I have a ton of short scifi stories, most of which met with publisher rejection. Is it easy to get up on amazon, etc.? Much upfront costs? The eBook market snuck up on me in the past few years when I put most of my energy towards a job I now detest. It's totally free aside from cover images! You can get a subscription for as low as 60 dollars on some sites. Check out IngImage, Deposit Photos, and Bigtock. They seem to be pretty fair. As for difficulty, it can be weird the first few times. At this point, though, I can basically do it with my eyes closed. Just take it slow the first time to make sure you don't miss anything and you'll be fine! I recommend uploading to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords and Kobo. Thank you very much for the links. I'm going to look into formatting my stories into little collections and get them online. This is much more exciting than the old vanity press model which just felt scammy. Good for you! I agree, vanity presses are very scary and are without a doubt scammy. Self publishing allows for true freedom with very little cost. About those cover images. Any advice there? I definitely believe a great cover helps get people to pick it up. How much do they cost, and where should I look to find source material? If you know you're going to write a few stories, I would buy a package on one of those sites. That'll be around 60 dollars, maybe 100, but you'll be able to download 5 or more images every day for a month, which makes the images very cheap. What do you mean by "source material"? By source material I mean images, mostly, and any other "materials" (i. e. things you've got to buy) you think an aspiring author might need. Just stock photos. Scrivener is a neat program that I barely use. I use Photoshop and Illustrator for my covers, but you can do essentially the same thing I do in GIMP. What do you write with, then? Open Office, mostly. How do you still make a living with the existence of the Internet, aka 'All The Porn'? The theory is that people think free=bad and paid=good. That's not always true, but people are willing to pay for something that might be well written. Our audience also tends to be middle aged women who might not know how to use a computer and just use the Kindle their sons bought them for Christmas 2 years ago. Do you get horny writing these stories? Not for all of them, but on some I do! Sometimes it makes it hard to write, but I know if I'm feeling horny from it then it has to be published. What importance do you put on social media and getting your name out there? I was told that the best way to do it is to let the books speak for themselves at the start, but I've just published my 22nd story so I'm wondering when I should start to branch out a bit. The only social media I put any importance on at all are What To Read After Fifty Shades of Grey and Korner Kafe Exposed. These are Facebook pages that, when they advertise me, have led to a lot of sales. Other than that? I don't really bother. I'm even here only to help other writers! Your best advertisement is another book, always. So if it's a choice between posting on Twitter or writing another paragraph, choose the paragraph. Always. Good luck to you, as well! 30 books was about when I saw much better sales, so keep on writing! Do you focus more on series and collections, or one shots? Is there a difference in how they're marketed for you, or how well they sell? I try to do series, but they're risky. They take time and if they don't sell then what's the point? So a lot of my work is written to be a one off that could be converted into a series if it's successful. How many words do you write per week/month on average? I write between 1500 and 3000 words a day, 5 days a week. That's at least 7500 words a week. Thank you kindly. I'm hoping to hit that by the end of September, so fingers crossed I'll be earning enough to do an AMA this time next year:p. I look forward to reading about your success! Where do you get your cover pictures? I buy my stock from IngImage and Deposit Photos primarily, though I am a fan of this new site as well: Link to Do you have a different pricing strategy when you first publish your books and later change them? I don't like to price below 2. 99 because I want to make 70% of the sale instead of 35%. 2. 99 is the lowest a book can be priced for that. However, some stories I do price lower specifically because they help bring in new readers to a series that isn't selling as well. Oh also, thank you for the compliment! We work very hard on the covers. Are you making a decent living on your stories? I make between $3000 and $5000 each month. It will probably be much higher during the holidays, since summer is the slow season for books. I'd say that's pretty decent! I can't tell you how glad I am that summer is a slow season. I've been doing it for about nine months, and I started making a decent living only to find my sales drop off DRAMATICALLY in July and August. I was starting to panic:p. When does it start to pick up again, in your experience? As my designer (and fiance) said, it will pick up a bit in September and then really go wild from October through January. Wow. I would love to be making that much off my work!! How are you doing that? You must sell a lot of books then, right? We sell a fair amount. Usually we make $100 a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. That's 50 copies of the 2. 99 stories. I see. I started in November and I only hit ten books in April, so I've timed it just about as badly as is humanly possible:p. Haha! Well, you'll have a good catalog for when the holidays do hit! Just keep pushing through and you'll see better sales soon. Do you find advertising to be a big part? Not at all. It's basically something I don't think about unless I have a story that I think will fit the audience of What To Read After Fifty Shades of Grey. Hmm interesting. So other than your email lists, do people generally just stumble upon your books using seo etc? Yep, that's exactly what happens! They search for "billionaire erotica" and somewhere in that search is a bunch of my stories. Can you discuss your sales history and marketing efforts. For example, how many sales did you make when you had 1 story, 5, 10, etc? How long did it take for you to build your sales? Do you use any marketing strategies now, or have you in the past? Our first month, I believe we made 30 dollars total. Then we made 80 dollars the next month. Then we made 300 dollars, and it stayed that way for a month or two. Then we shot up to 1000 dollars and it's only increased since then. Also, I noticed you listed a gmail account as your email address, not an email associated with an author's website. Do you have a website, FB site, or other place where fans can contact you or follow your work? My only marketing efforts are sending out mailing list emails once a week or so, as well as posting to What To Read After Fifty Shades of Grey and Korner Kafe Exposed. Edit: Yeah, next time I'll just click on your website to answer my own question. I do have a website, I simply prefer gmail! Link to is my website. I'm a bit of a slacker when it comes to keeping it updated, unfortunately. I just checked out the website.. How much does it cost for the model and photography? Do you shoot it yourself? Maybe a better question is, how much does it cost per release? Not including your time. I buy stock images, actually. Since I buy subscriptions, each cover costs maybe a dollar, and that's the only real expense. Have you ever tried any other niche of writing? and if yes then what was the result? I have! I actually want to write a dystopia, but the right idea hasn't hit me yet. I write down every idea I have. It's sort of like the GTD system but instead of organizing my life I'm keeping my head empty so I can be more creative. I'm also working on some nonfiction targeted to parents. Under a different pen name, of course! And my fiance has written some science fiction, as he said. Ideas come to you when they come to you, not when you're at your desk. Gotta write 'em on a notecard or in a notebook when they occur and not later! Haha, very true! I do that too, of course. Thanks for doing this. What made you publish erotica? And who is your average customer? Well, I was looking for some way to work from home because I have some social anxiety. I found a thread by Delilah Fawkes on Something Awful that gave me the confidence necessary to start. Erotica is rather easy to write, you can write it short (3000-5000 words), and there are people actively seeking it out. You can't say the same for really any other genre! Average customer is women between 30-50 years old, I believe. Of course, I have customers of all ages and sexes. But in general, I try to write for a 35 year old housewife who really loved Fifty Shades of Grey. Wondering what you charge or what kind of arrangement you have for compensation? Original artwork, or photography? To be clear: He's also my fiance. Have you ever frequented online free erotica depositories, such as literotica or mcstories? When I was younger I read Literotica stories a lot! I still peek in and read up for some research, especially for tentacle stories. Do you think some of the stories on these depositories could have been successful short stories such as yours? Some of the stories on there are seriously well written, so they definitely could have succeeded! So your piece One Night With Tentacles, does it get into the life of a powerful business tentacle with a hectic stressful schedule and its chance encounter and eventual seduction of a fascinating creative woman? I've had enough tentacle rape. I need tentacle romance. My designer's answer isn't totally right. But if you're looking for a tentacle romance, I might suggest you read my Slenderman series! Here's the bundle of all 3 stories. I wanna know about money... You seem to have found a niche (good for you) and can work from home (my jealousy is kicking in).. If we only make $3000 a month on average (which we definitely won't during the holidays! ), we'll take home around $30, 000. Taxes eat into that a lot since you have to account for nearly 30%, but it's still not bad. Do you have to spam you readers to get them to come back for more? Or do the sites that list your titles update you fans, when there is a new release? I have a mailing list that I use maybe once a week. Other than that, I barely use social media, my blog goes untouched for weeks at a time, and I just expect people to find my work on their own. They usually do! The best advertising is to write the next book. It helps to know some SEO, though, so you're giving it the right keywords. Amazon did recently start sending updates to people who subscribe to them, though! Do you have a Uni degree in Lit.?. Or are you just creative and online? (I don't know why but I'm kinda hoping for the latter) Just creative and online! I actually always thought I'd go into writing comics, but college just plain didn't work for me and I also started to despise my own drawings. Hi, I was actually just checking Reddit for a two-second break while finishing my first erotic story to be self-published on Amazon, so I feel like I should ask something! I feel that my story is badly-written (flat characters, etc), although the sex scenes are pretty hot; do you think this matters to readers, or they are mostly looking to get turned on? Publish it anyway. Seriously, my first story was awful. Truly dreadful. It still sold and gave me the confidence to continue! And yes, readers mostly want to be turned on. Also, do you use any kind of formula for your writing? I see that you mentioned 2000 words of story to 1000 words of sex; could you give any more details? As for my formula, it's usually 1500 words of plot that explains who the main character is and why she wants to have sex. Or it explains how she gets into a bad situation, in the case of tentacle sex or rape fantasies. Then it's 1000 words of whatever sex comes with that kink, and then 500 words to bring the story to a close. Give or take a few hundred on each section, of course. I've written many erotica pieces for fun. Is there any way to ensure complete anonymity? I was looking into the publishing features of Amazon and a page requested my tax information. Does Amazon correspond via snail mail? I'd personally rather not run into an awkward housing situation. You need to give tax info to Amazon, but your pen name should never show up on your mail and your real name should never show up on your books. I've never had a problem. The most you'll get is your tax documents every year. How do you feel about Link to? Do you ever use it for inspiration? If not, will you now? Haha! I've seen that before, but never used it as inspiration! I actually have hundreds of story ideas written up on Evernote that I haven't even touched yet. Writing them down lets me forget about them so my mind is clear and ready for new ideas. I'm never really worried about what to write so much as how to write it! Question based on the covers of your does your design process work? Do you use a royalty free site for your images or is there a place specifically geared toward erotica tor this purpose? Thanks for the AMA! There is a new site that I've come to love, run by someone in the community I'm in. Link to There's also IngImage, Deposit Photos, BigStock, and so on. I buy my stock from there. I then do the photo edits, and then send that off to my fiance for him to finish up with fonts and any other small changes necessary. Legally, what is the deal with pen names? Do you have to register it, or something? Curious in general:) no matter what i was writing, i think i would prefer to use a pen name. You don't have to register your pen name. Oh, and your tax person, if you have one or go to HR Block, doesn't need to know your pen name or what you write. It's all reported to your real name. Somewhat related - for taxes, what do you report? Can you be nonspecific? As for taxes, I now pay those monthly via EFTPS. I don't know much beyond that, since my yearly paperwork is done by someone who works for my family. All I know is I have to pay nearly 30% and it's absolutely brutal. So keep that in mind if you get into this! Bored Housewife. Guy shows up (plumber, electrician, etc) They have sex. End story. Or are they varied? Nope! They're very varied. I write paranormal, billionaires, dickgirls, fantasy, BDSM etc and they all have different plots that come with them. You've done a lot of books, so it's a chance for some data analysis. What factors seem to make the biggest difference in your sales? Have you found that particular titles, covers, fonts, synopsis, etc. make either increase or decrease sales? Longer titles with direct keywords help. Bright covers that are easy to understand in thumbnail form helps, too. If it's straight erotica, having a sexy woman on the cover is basically a must. The font just has to be something readable, really. Exposition: I've just started out with two books (under 'Katz O'Connor', should you feel so obliged) and life has sort of gotten in the way, although I'm set to start pounding at the keyboard again. I already planned to tap out 3, 000 words, five days a week, so I'm happy to see someone successful using that process. I wish to put out at least two books a week. I just got a pretty easy 8-5, so I have plenty of free time now (no longer a server! ) but that's not sustainable with one year of college left. This has always sounded like an awesome outlet, and I only need an average of $1500 a month to quit the day job. Which will, of course, gradually rise with my output. Question is this: Mailing list. You've mentioned it, other erotica authors have AMA'd about it. Do you do one absolutely ever week, regardless of whether or not you've released a book that week? My mailing list emails are literally just the covers of the books I posted that week and their titles, maybe with some text asking for reviews or with some news. They're never long at all. The past few weeks I've skipped weeks because I slowed down my output while writing this how to guide. If I don't release a book, there's no reason to bother my readers! There are a number of services out there for this very thing—which one have you stuck by? Thanks for reading! Let me know if I can answer anymore questions for you! How many different words do you have for "penis"? Manhood, cock, prick, and dick are my main synonyms! How do you prevent people from stealing what you write? Do you do any type of copyright searches? Conversely, do you ever find yourself lifting and changing other people's work to crank out the stories? I don't think you were insinuating anything. I only search for my stuff up on torrent sites because I see it as a sign of success. Otherwise, I don't care. I don't put DRM on my books, and I know someone pirating my work isn't taking money from me. As for stealing from others, I try not to. But what are you gonna do? There's nothing new under the sun, so you just have to do what you can to make your work somehow different and interesting. What would be a good resource for people who, frankly, need to ahem bone up on their grammar and sentence structure? Some of us haven't had a good writing class for an extremely long time. Ah, good question. Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing has been recommended to me before, and might be worth checking out! And if you're ever unsure, the answer is always a Google search away. As a male I love literotica. What's your favorite part about what you do? Hmm. My favorite part is probably thinking up the ideas! It's a thrill to let your mind wander like that and know that your ideas will make hundreds of readers happy. This is something my fiance asked the other day when she was browsing through her smut there a reason books about chubby girls are all something along the lines of "BBW and the Millionaire" or "BBW and the fireman"? It was a slightly hilarious conversation we had, but I thought, hey, why not ask an erotica author? These are normal women reading these books, and normal women have some meat on them. It's good to write feel-good stories where a woman who is bullied about her weight finds true love who just happens to also be a billionaire. Okay, so you've got an erotica you've written(3, 000-5, 000 words, the proportion of which are sex to story is questionable), and now you would like money. What do you do? Where/who do you go to once you've got a polished piece? Make the cover, write the blurb, then upload to Amazon, Smashwords, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. Don't overthink it. You can fix your mistakes as you learn more. I answered this below as well: a conversion service can help you with all the in-between steps if you are wiling to pay them for it. Otherwise, if you want to learn it, there are self-publishing tutorials. Thanks for helping us to answer! Wow, it's awesome to know that there's money to be made doing this! How much overlap is there in terms of story elements? Do people get criticized because The Tale of the Turgid Sheikh is totally the same as All Boned Up in the Desert? Do you have to do research and make sure that your idea is an original one, or is that even really a concern in a story ultimately about humpin'? Readers are usually looking for the same essential story in a new package with some new details. We've never been criticized for having a story too similar to another. To add to my other question about covers, how necessary is "diversity" in storytelling or is there any value in just focusing on a single niche (for example, a supernatural-only author, BDSM-only author, gay-only author, etc. )? I diversify because I'd be bored to death just writing billionaires over and over again. Some people have different pen names for different niches, but I don't even bother. I did for a while but it did me no good. I ask because my interest is fairly narrow. I feel like I could write great stories in that niche, but only okay stories in others, which might dilute my "brand", so to speak. But if you do focus on one niche, you could pick up a group of rabid fans that buy everything you write. I'm sure you can see how that is valuable! So I guess my question is, is it better to tell a diverse array of stories, despite some of them not being so good, or is it better to just focus entirely on writing what you know and love (even at the expense of missing certain demographics)? What you do is up to you, and remember you can always change your mind later. On average, how many hours a day do you spend writing, do you have a daily routine? Well that's hard to say. What I do is write 500 words, then break for a half hour, and then repeat that until the story is done. It can take 6 to 8 hours of that cycle to finish it. Have you ever read the book Lady Oracle by Margaret Atwood? I have not. Would you recommend it? I'm just an innocent bystander, not the person who asked the question;) I have a question of my own though: do you have any short tips on how to write good sex in text-based flirting? I always stumble on the 'describe what you'd do to me' Well... imagine what you'd do to the hottest person you've ever seen. Then describe it, focusing on what they would feel rather than what you would feel. Describe the touches, the tastes, the sounds. Ooooh, good advice, thanks! I've always struggled to get beyond 'I put my penis in you. It feels good' (exaggerated here - I have a Master's degree in Lit & Linguistics so I try to put a bit of effort into it) Glad to help! Go turn that special someone on. :) Someone once told me "You become what you write" but I've always thought "You write what you've become" to be more true. What's your opinion? Do you bring about what you write about? I mean you can't exactly start fucking werewolves. I do use some techniques that I write about on my fiance, though, and he appreciates it. I think it's a little bit of both. You learn from your writing, and your writing learns from you. That first sentence cracked me up. I need that on a shirt. Hahaha! Put it up on Zazzle. So, uh, weird question, but do you get aroused when you write your material? Or is it like tickling yourself, as in your work can't do it for you? Sometimes it's super hot and it's hard not to bring my fiance into the room and reenact whatever scene I'm writing. Other times, it's just work! I suppose it depends on what kink I'm writing.

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Set in the world of high fashion, Rabid 2019's central character is Rose (Laura Vandervoort) an aspiring designer hoping to get her work noticed by her boss, Günter (Mackenzie Gray. One night, while leaving an event, Rose is involved in an accident that leaves her face horribly disfigured; however, after volunteering for revolutionary stem cell treatment, Rose's natural beauty is restored, and better still, Günter chooses her designs for his latest show. Life would be perfect if it wasn't for Rose's strange hallucinations, her newfound hunger for blood, and the vicious tentacle that lives in her armpit.
Clumsy direction, gimmicky editing, an overlong running time, obnoxious characters, a ham-fisted tribute to Cronenberg's Dead Ringers, and weak make-up effects all contribute to a hellish viewing experience, but what made this film really unbearable for me were the fashionistas and the models, all of whom could have come straight out of cult comedy Zoolander (or worse still, Zoolander 2. If I thought for a minute that the Soskas were going for giggles, then I would probably think better of the film, but I don't think this is the case: any laughs seem to be purely unintentional. Günter is an embarrassingly bad caricature. Will Ferrell's Mugatu is positively normal by comparison. and the scene where Rose slashes at a dress with scissors to realise her boss's vision would be genius if this were a satire. But it's not.
I honestly think that the Soska's believe their own hype, but as the film descends into asinine zombie territory, it becomes clearer and clearer that the twins have bitten off way more than they can chew. The final scene, in which Rose discovers the true horror of her condition, is let down by more terrible make-up effects and the directors' misguided belief that they have crafted a truly shocking movie. The only thing that is shocking about this film is that it got made in the first place.

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You may imagine I got what I deserved. I'm not here to be judged but... I have some spoilers and If you don't want to know about the final episode... this is your last warning to stop reading. Also, going to be very clear on this but I'm not going to mention the show's name for legal reasons. I think you know what show I am talking about but... I can't risk more people finding the episode. Not like this, but it is almost futile to assume no one will try. It's the tv show. That tv show millions of people have been first episode of the last season is coming out this weekend. Marketing campaigns across the globe catering to a rabid and hungry fandom. I was so rabid I couldn't help myself and I started to look for a way to get ahead of everyone. There had been threats of course with the season before and hackers had held the episodes hostage. I knew someone had access somewhere. Clicking through an assortment of the dingiest websites with sleazy banner ad after banner ad I couldn't turn up anything yet until I found one comment tucked away under a video which had already been removed for a copyright claim. “Find Me. ” In websites constantly advertising get rich quick schemes and masterclasses in dating I felt a slight twinge of suspicion. wasn't like this is the dark web. I didn't think I was some noob who could be scammed. I gave up my credit card details to this mysterious user (never do this, not joking how stupid it is to do this) and they gave me a decryption key and a link to the torrent. As it slowly downloaded I felt a pump of adrenaline. After so many years following the show, I was finally going to get to the end. It downloaded a little too quickly and when I opened the video my computer gave me a warning. “Are you sure you want to open this on your computer? This unauthorized file may contain programs which may be harmful to your device. ” I scanned it but zero threats came up so I clicked open again, my hand shaking on the mouse. “Are You Sure You are Sure About this? ” It prompted me again. Are you sure you are sure? This wording made me wonder if I really was tricked into buying a computer virus into my PC but I clicked again. “You know nothing” There was the sound of static before the show's theme montage lit up on my computer. I swear my pupil's widened at the sight. It couldn't have been this easy, could it? I felt a slight pang of guilt but kept my eyes glued to the screen drinking in the theme song which was so addictive I even hummed it on the bus and in the shower. You can hear it too if you know what I mean and how willing I was to finally finish this. And then suddenly my computer crashed. Or at least I thought I did until a single title card popped up: “From our cast and crew, we dedicate this to you, those who have been here since the beginning. For the fans! ” and then it resumed. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was touched that they had actually put that in. They didn't have to, but I blushed at the idea that they put this in. The episode began with howling wind and snow blowing. Subtitles appeared at the bottom of the screen but I couldn't understand them whatever language they were. Some form of east European or Cyrillic by the shape I assumed. The Main Hero's friend, the one with an affinity for books was crawling through the snow as ghoulish figures followed him slowly. He left a long trail of red as they closed in and began stabbing him. Again and again. It kept going for at least five minutes. This show as you may already know had a certain violent reputation but five minutes of stabbing odd. Consider how quick it is when a character is killed on screen mething seemed wrong with this footage. Again and again and again and again. The scene changed with sad mournful music as the army gathered before the gates as the enemy forces swarmed towards them just before the Hero raised their blade, suddenly the camera cut back to his friend being stabbed again and again alone in the woods by the group of masked figures. These were not the usual bad guys they had never turned up they had appeared a few episodes ago and even then they were not in the trailers online. Another ten minutes of him being stabbed. I couldn't believe it. If it wasn't the for the actual actor or the camera quality clearly this wouldn't have been the show and I would have thought this was it was there playing on my computer screen. I almost skipped ahead but thankfully it cut to the great library. Last time I saw this other guy in the library he couldn't walk and the Hero's friend who I just saw was being stabbed in the woods was on his way to tell the hero the truth this guy told him. He tears a single page from the book they learned the secret from, he crumples it up and he swallows it whole. He then pulls out a vial from his robes, empties the powder from it into a wine glass and drinks it in one sip drinking the poison with it. My jaw drops. I knew there would be some a lot of twists but... I never imagined this would happen. He falls face first and dies with his head slumped over the book. The next scene is a tower overlooking a graveyard. The tough lady knight is pushed from behind out the window before falling to her death. A figure emerges from the shadows laughing and I see it was the bad guy who was killed at the end of the season before. It was a major twist because he had double-crossed nearly everyone up until that point but here he is laughing before finally... he winks. He actually stopped and winked straight at me. A chill runs down my spine. I click pause and pull the scroll bar back a few seconds. This time he doesn't wink but he is staring straight at the camera as if I did something forbidden. There is a tense silence kind of like he is waiting for me to apologize. Suddenly there is a bang. The scene has changed to a ship out at sea firing a cannon during heavy rain except I am so startled by such a loud noise after having the character look at me like that I jump up in my seat. The ship bobs up and down in the stormy sea before the camera pans back to the Hero's friend who was killed in the forest. The figures are all gone and his body is being picked apart by crows. The sad music plays again and the scene transitions to the great pyramids in the eastern lands. A monk looks up from his scroll to speak to the queen. “It's the there is nothing you can do” The Queen looks directly into the camera at me. Her beautiful face begins to rot away before my eyes. Her skin withers and corrodes, the flesh peels and decays. I try and move the mouse to close the video. It doesn't work. I try to press the off button. I look at the power cable for my desktop. She looks in the same direction as well. “Don't you want to see the end? ” she pleads. I scream and the queen with her face still rotting away points at me and laughs. The screen flashes back to the bad guy in the tower. He points at me and laughs. The Hero standing at the gates about to take on the ancient evil instead turns around and then he points to me and laughs. The main theme song begins playing and I am greeted with a montage of all the sickest, violent and tragic moments from the series including more of these ultra-violent scenes from this dark and clearly hellish episode. And hellish it is because scenes start playing out which happened but are happening differently. The blacksmith who spent a few seasons they sent to call for help when the group needs him the stead of finding the queen and her coming back to save the day he trips over in the wilderness and he dies there alone in the snow. The man who was kept a prisoner in an earlier season is shown dead in his chains. The woman he would have gone on to rescue is shown being poked with hot irons as hunting dogs bark in the background. On and on and on and on I am shown the most barbaric slaughter imaginable and it just doesn't make sense anymore who is killing who or how they are dying anymore. I heard rumors the producers were filming fake endings to mess with the way this whole thing happened it all seemed almost too vivid. If this was the case, then they spent millions on making a whole episode which was pretty much a snuff film and by mentioning this version of the finale you would be marked as either crazy or with contempt by the fandom. Every character is shown dead including ones who already were dead and buried long before this episode and they were being dumped into a massive fiery pit out on a snow-covered battlefield. Finally, it cuts back to the end of the first season, the scene where the main hero at the time is about to be executed and instead of being killed creating the most epic twist in television history: he moves out of the way of the axe which is swung down. It misses his head and he looks straight at me. He isn't laughing or being sinister but simply he looks disappointed. “Why did you fail us like that? ” The axe is swung again a final time straight into his neck. His head rolls along the cobblestone floor and the camera zooms in. “We are coming for you” he whispers before the end credits begin to fade in.

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Download Torrent raid vtt. Download Torrent rapidshare. Download Torrent rapide. Download torrent rabid man. Download torrent arabic movies. I think everypony has already seen quite a few posts of new ponies saying 'hello' and asking for advice on how to behave and what to see. And although I am a new pony myself, I thought maybe we all should gather up ideas and create a list of awesome stuff every new person definately has to see. Let me start with a few suggestions and please feel free to add yours: For starters watch all episodes of the original show. It is necessary to get most of the references and jokes in fanfics/music/fanmade videos. Involve yourself in the community! One of the biggest appeals of the fandom is that the community is so big and the people (with a few exceptions) are interesting and cool. There's streams all the time, synchtube rooms, IRC channels, Xbox Live parties, and real-life brony meetups on and even a few campus groups! by RabidCoyote Watch the most epic pony video ever made 'PONIES The Anthology'. I found this myself only recently. It would be wonderful if somepony actually linked me to this masterpiece earlier. When in doubt please consult know your meme MLP. I personally found a lot of useful info there (for example topic about Trollestia). The show is so great you can't get enough of it? I know that feel bro. Check this awesome parody called 'Friendship is Witchcraft' It is made with such love and quality is so high somepony already like it better than the show! TVTropes warning A very useful list of memes. by ParaspriteHugger Truly awesome list of fun-made stuff by DarqWolff Check it out everypony! If you want to read up on the fanon, the fan labor wikia is a good place to go. Check out fan sites and forums, read some of the major fanfics ( Fallout: Equestria, My Little Dashie... by Mindbattery A Beginner's Guide to Pony Fanfiction v2. 0. by Quix117 It's fantastic! MLP Music Archive where you can download a torrent with all fan-music; ThatMusicBrony's picks out the best of the best new music; and 3 radiostations: (Celestia Radio](), Everfree Radio and DjPon3 Radio by Njayhuang Even more music: r/mylittlepony's 2012 Winter Wrap Up Mixtape; Everfree Radio Top 100 Pony Songs of 2011; PonyJames hosts this awesome synchtube pony music channel by Quix117.??? PROFIT! Please add more suggestions, bronies and tell me what you think about the ones I posted. EDIT: Added To read list by ParaspriteHugger EDITEDIT: Added RabidCoyote suggestion EDITEDITEDIT: Querty439 pointed out an awesome collection of fan-made stuff by DarqWolff, who kindly gave me a permission to copy link to his post here EDITx4: Mindbattery came up with a nice collection of fan-stuff EDITx5: Quix117 pointed out a fantastic fanfiction guide EDITx6: Njayhuang added a lot of music links EDITx7: Quix117 brought even more music links.

Download torrent rabid mac. Download torrent reddit. Download torrent rabid games. Story for FREE (You can download it here:) Author: Mahanenko Vasiliy / Dmitrieva Evgeniya Chip’s First Days. Part 2 *** The jungle welcomed the ‘Dinosaur Hunters’ (such was the dramatic name that Chip bestowed on his squad) with stultifying, humid heat, the smell of vegetation and rot and the myriad voices of its inhabitants. “Yabba Dabba Doo! ” yelled Groot and earned a resounding smack on the head from Dragonfly. “Shut your mouth! ” she hissed. “The last thing we need is to get ambushed because of your hollering. ” “Why who needs us? ” Groot objected. “Plenty of people, ” Spin interjected. His buddy and he were the same age as the cadets and were also freshmen, only in a civilian university. They were studying to be programmers. “Any old herbivore would be happy to have you as a snack, you radish, ” he went on. Dragonfly giggled as Groot wheezed angrily. “As for us—there’re plenty here who’d like a meat snack, ” Spin concluded phlegmatically, picking a white flower and handing it to Dragonfly. The girl looked embarrassed for a second but accepted the present anyway. The awkward flirting amused Chip, evoking nostalgia and a slight envy—nostalgia for his own youth and envy because these kids still had everything ahead of them: such as the euphoria of first soaring in the skies and feeling and loving their gentle and mighty machines beneath them. Chip remembered how the CO of his academy, a grizzled veteran who had entered the service back when helicopters still used rotors and wings to fly, paced in front of the wing of cadets and spoke: “If you don’t love your machine, if you don’t feel her like your own selves, if you don’t feel any hit she takes like a blow against your own hides—then you’ll never make true pilots, brothers. And if you honor and care for her, then you’ll receive loyalty in return. And then, no matter the fire you draw, you won’t be piloting but dancing, holding fast to the sky with every blade. That’s how it is, oh brothers…” “Colonel Sir! ” Dragonfly’s voice yanked Chip from his reverie. Chip smiled slightly. The tradition of dropping the ‘lieutenant’ part when addressing a ‘lieutenant colonel’ in a not entirely formal situation, or when kissing ass, was already well-known to these green kids. “Who’s Lili Marleen anyway? ” Dragonfly went on. “You were just singing…” “Ah, ” Chip realized that there was no avoiding another excursion into history. “That’s an old soldier’s song from the First World War. That is, from 1914. A certain Hans Leip joined the Reichswehr—that was what the German sector’s army was called back then. He was a teacher by profession, but that didn’t keep him from dating two girls at the same time, one of whom was named Lili and the other Marleen. So he composed a song for both of them. In his recollections, he was standing at his post not long before being sent to the front. He survived the war and the song survived with him. It only really became popular during the Second World War. Unsurprisingly, the Germans were the first to sing it. After that, to the immense surprise of all the generals, the soldiers of the other armies started singing it too: Everyone loved it. And, as you see, it survived to our day…” Jingle, who was on point, held up a paw, calling for silence. Then he pointed down at his feet where an enormous footprint with three toes was printed into the earth. “I think we’ve found ‘em, ” Groot stated the obvious. And received another smack on the head from Dragonfly. *** “Now I know what a horse with a birdbrain looks like, ” Smoky whispered, observing the female ceratosaurus who was busy guarding her nest. She kept checking the temperature, dipping her head into the pile of withered leaves that concealed the eggs she had laid and chasing away small, feathered dinosaurs that looked like hybrids of Komodo dragons with chickens that kept creeping up to it. The feathered dinosaurs were working in a flock of six or seven: While two or three distracted the mother, the rest of them rushed at the nest and rummaged among the leaves, trying to find the eggs while avoiding the ceratosaurus’s teeth. So far, they had only managed the latter: As soon as the cautious female heard a noise behind her back, she immediately stopped pursuing the others and routed the thieves squealing from her nest. “Damn. It’s too bad Sasha and Hamster aren’t here, ” sighed Chip, watching this drama. “Who’s that? ” Shepard asked. “Two of my buddies. Amateur zoologists. It’s too bad they’re out about town. A friend of ours is getting married and they’re helping her out. Otherwise they’d be sure to tell us what’s up with these chickensaurae and the best way to grill them. They look like velociraptors…Or their cousins. Damn, wish I knew…” “Colonel, sir, how do you know all this anyway? I mean about the Boers, Kipling…Lili Marleen…” asked Jingle crawling over. “I want to know that much too…” “Well start reading and studying, ” Chip replied. “It’s not like I knew all this when I was born either. Everything comes with time and stubborn work. It’s not like you simply want something and get it, buddy. Even diarrhea doesn’t happen just like that. As for knowledge…If you want to shoot for the stars, you have to go through the thorns, not around them. That one isn’t mine, by the way. A very smart person said that a long time ago. ” Jingle sighed. It really seemed like he wanted things to happen just like that and immediately. “Okay…” Chip apprised the situation one more time. The squad was lying prone in the bushes and even Groot was keeping his mouth shut insofar as his nature permitted it. And this struck Chip as very suspicious. His entire experience with this squad simply screamed at him that something wasn’t right here. People like this jabbermouth with an appetite for adventure simply couldn’t lie prone and avoid doing anything. And Chip guessed right on the mark: As he and the rest of the squad looked on, Groot stood up to his full height and began walking to the ceratosaurus’s nest. “Wait, you idiot! ” Dragonfly hissed. But Groot, paying no attention to her hissing, plodded onward to meet the ceratosaurus’s toothy maw. The female, seeing this green thing approaching her from the forest, lowered her head and squinted suspiciously. Groot fearlessly walked right up to the dinosaur, threw up his arms and announced: “I! Am! Groot! ” “You are a moron! ” sounded a voice from the bushes behind him. The ceratosaurus immediately popped up her head but spying no threat, went back to studying the uninvited guest. The guest was subjected to scrupulous sniffing, deemed uninteresting from any point of view the ceratosaurus held to and thereupon pushed away from the nest with a snort. Smiling ecstatically, Groot turned around 180 degrees and plodded back. Right in the direction of another piping hot smack on the head from Dragonfly that made the biota’s witless head ring loud throughout the forest. “What was that all about, cadet? ” Chip asked sternly, once the blow’s echo ceased wandering among the trees. “Well…” Groot glanced askance at Dragonfly and stepped further away, just in case. “I’m like grass…” He waited calmly for his buddies to finish their scalding remarks on this point and went on: “And that two-legged lizard is a predator, I believe. So I decided to take a looksee whether she’d attack me or not. She didn’t. And that means I could be useful. ” “Could be, ” Chip agreed. “But if you pull something like this again, I’ll feed you to that horned fellow right there! ” He pointed at the triceratops peacefully grazing at the other edge of the forest clearing. “I did not travel a difficult and thorny path from spermatozoa to lieutenant colonel just to watch you improvise when we’re out in the field, ” Chip went on. “I’d happily split your tree hollow open, you foliose papua, so that a squirrel could move in—the only thing that’s keeping me from it is Zarathustra. All right, you nitwit, go on. Pappy Chip needs to think. ” Groot sidled away from danger, concealing himself behind Jingle and Shepard, while Chip really did prop up his chin and began to think. And so: The nest was almost in the center of the clearing, watched over by a mother whom no one wanted to tangle with. Besides her, there were the feathered velociraptors milling around the clearing—and these were also worth accounting for: They wouldn’t dare attack the entire squad, but anyone apart would certainly get chewed up. And finally there was the triceratops, peacefully munching grass and not giving one fart for all the hubbub around the nest. On the other hand, the biota did not seem to draw aggro from the ceratosaurus. And only because this vegetable organism was not among the gastronomic preferences of the predatory lizard. Even as a side. And yet again: This would only be the case up until the moment he tried to steal a precious egg from the nest. At that point, Groot would immediately pass from the category of ‘harmless junk’ to ‘kill the bastard. ’ Taking into account the biota’s stamina, the timeframe—between the theft’s detection and the juicy ‘crunch! ’ signaling the end of the thief’s career (and life’s journey)—would be quite brief. Okay…Chip took a branch and used it to sketch a map of the clearing and the surrounding forest on the ground. The feathered looters fled to the other side of the clearing from where the squad was hiding in the bushes. It seemed their chicken brains could fathom what would happen if they met the pircs in open battle. They also didn’t risk approaching the ancient cow grazing to the left of Chip’s position. They were like Mesozaic street bums or something: strong in numbers but as soon as the scenario changed, they would break into a panicked herd. Accordingly, if you scared them and funneled them into the clearing, the ceratosaurus would react and chase after them. But finding the eggs in the leafage and placing them in the satchels would take some time. That was a minus. But… Chip stared pensively at Groot. Groot grew nervous under the commander’s close stare and tried to hide himself behind Dragonfly—only to be mercilessly shoved back to his spot. “Eh…Is something wrong, Colonel Sir? ” the biota asked cautiously, having made certain that all paths of retreat were blocked to him. “You’re about to atone for your foolishness with your blood, ” Chip placed a paw on his shoulder. “Since that overgrown chicken doesn’t attack you, go over and stand by her nest to see where the eggs are located. That should save us some time. Got that? ” “Sir, yes, sir, Colonel Sir! ” Groot stood up straight, excited at the mission he’d been assigned. He’d already begun to worry that the terrible lieutenant colonel would cook up some nastiness for him for purposes of edification. And yet now it looked like he was even praised him. “What about us? ” Smoky asked. “We’re going to circle the clearing and see where those chickensaurae are milling. ” “What do we need them for? ” Jingle wondered. “Look, ” Chip pointed at the velociraptors that launched another failed raid to steal an egg. “For the momma and that three-horned cow over there, the feathered dinosaurs are the main enemy. If we set that flock running into the clearing, they’ll have to dash directly. The female will obviously chase after them, figuring that those bastards are trying to purloin her progeny once again. While she’s chasing them, we’ll run like wild hogs for the nest where our brave comrade Groot will have scouted the lay of the land. And I do mean scouted and not ‘showed his initiative! ’” Groot nodded frenetically, indicating that he had understood everything correctly and that he wouldn’t dare stray from the instructions he’d received even a tiny little bit. Just in case, Chip fixed him with a stern stare and went on: “And so, Groot scouts the eggs and indicates their location when we arrive. After that he acts as a lookout to make sure that the momma-saur doesn’t consume us while we’re playing grave-robbers. Dragonfly and I will start loading our satchels—two eggs in each, remember? The first satchel is for Jingle, the second is Smoky, the third is Spin, the fourth Shepard, and the fifth Dragonfly. That’s ten. Once the eggs are in your satchel, you run as fast as you can to the forest and wait for the others at the edge. Once everyone’s assembled, we hustle back to base. Else, if something goes wrong, wait for my order. Everyone remember everything? ” “Sir, yes sir! ” The squad echoed in unison. Even the programmers were on the ball, demonstrating that the week they had spent under Chip’s leadership hadn’t been wasted. “Then let’s get to it, ” Chip ordered. Groot immediately turned around and happily plodded off to the nest. A velociraptor went hurtling past him, running as fast as it could and utterly ignoring the biota, which only reaffirmed the cadet’s earlier words: The race of sentient plants was entirely uninteresting to the predators. For her part, the ceratosaurus female paid absolutely no attention to the biota that took up position next to her nest. She merely glanced askance, noticed the harmless bundle of parsley and went on tending to her parental duties. “Okay, situation looks nominal, ” Chip stated with satisfaction. “Follow me at a jogging pace! ” And the squad set off around the clearing in a line. It was easy and pleasant to jog with the satchels empty. Right until the point that Shepard suddenly called out: “Oh, look at them apples! ” “Don’t you dare…” Chip began but he was too late. Shepard grabbed the bright orange fruit that really did resemble an apple and bit into it with an audible crunch. In the next instant, the pircs’ snouts were assaulted by an unbearable stench. A notification popped up announcing a debuff they had received, and the contents of Chip’s stomach hurled upward and onward with cosmic speed. His vision went blurry and the lieutenant colonel didn’t even remember grabbing Dragonfly and Jingle by their scruffs and running away. He crashed through the brush with nothing but the desire to breathe fresh air again in his mind. When he came to, Chip was in the middle of the dense forest, with the ‘Burned Throat’ debuff. Everyone else, including that stupid Shepard, were beside him panting desperately. With that said, Shepard was unconscious and draped over Smoky’s shoulders, making pathetic whimpering sounds and weakly moving his paws. Unlike the others, he’d earned three debuffs at once, including nausea, a malus to his strength and disorientation for the next hour. “You fool-of-a-saurus! ” Chip turned on him after wiping his mouth. “Didn’t anyone teach you not to stick foreign objects in your mouth, eh? Here it is—definitive proof that man could not have evolved from ape because any dumb old macaque lives in the forest her whole life and knows not to just stick whatever in her mouth, but you, you dimwit, can’t figure out the same thing after eighteen years of your momma telling you not to! ” In reply Shepard could only hiccup and drool, looking pitifully at his enraged CO. “We need a healer, ” Smoky said. “Our medic is out there in the clearing so forget it, ” replied Chip. “We’ll drink some water and go on with the quest. We’ll leave Shepard here. Jingle take his satchel. Smoky, when we run for it, you grab it. I’ll catch up and take over after. Everyone got that? ” “Sir, yes sir, ” the squad replied much more quietly this time. Shepard could only hiccup and roll his eyes. “Right…” Chip looked around. “Wait here. ” “Where are you going, Colonel Sir? ” Spin asked. “I’m going to go pick some of those apples, ” Chip replied. “What if the momma-saurus attacks us when we least expect it. I’ll toss her a snack. It’s not nice to drop in empty-handed. ” Chip located the tree without any difficulty—it stank to high heaven after all. Holding his breath, he quickly picked two apples and stuck them in his pockets. Then he quickly hurried back. The rest of the journey passed without incident. Shepard calmly hung out on Chip’s and Smoky’s shoulders, making no attempt to taste any of the local flora. And the others made no attempt to break discipline. Groot seemed to understand the precariousness of his position and was maintaining discipline as well. Such was Chip’s conclusion, seeing the biota standing upright beside the nest. Groot stood ‘at ease’ and moved only his eyes. “Is he always like that? Until he gets it in the neck, he won’t do anything? ” Chip asked with curiosity. “Always, ” Dragonfly sighed. “Well, if someone doesn’t snap his neck, he’ll make a decent pilot I suppose, ” Chip hummed. “Now everyone be quiet. We need to find the chickensaurae…” The ‘chickensaurae’ were located quickly enough. The feathered predators were sitting in a circle and clearly planning their next raid on the nest. These deliberations were quite involved, just like in a real parliament: with screams, spits, kicks and all the other accouterments of civilized discourse. This permitted the squad to creep up on them and surround them. “I cast myself into the tempest, my head held proudly high! ” hollered Chip as he burst into the clearing. The others, dashed after him screaming their heads off. The velociraptor leader—as a leader should—was the first to react to this sudden threat and spread his wings menacingly. “Liverpool! You never walk alone! ” yelled Chip and kicked him as hard as he could. The leader shot up into the air like a rocket and trailing feathers disappeared among the branches in the direction of the clearing. The squad watched him plunk in a clump right in front of the stunned ceratosaurus. And while she stared with amazement at the breakfast that heaven had so delivered right to her plate, the leader figured out bit by bit what was going on and where he was. Even through the bushes you could see the velociraptor’s eyes take on a distinct square shape, while his toothy jaw, which had not evolved to speak, mimed a quite distinct ‘Oh, crud. ’ Subsequent events followed as quickly as an avalanche. The ceratosaurus female finally realized what kind of gift destiny had granted her and tried to consume her unexpected breakfast. But it was too late: The velociraptor leader had come to. The giant jaws snapped thin air, managing only to catch a tail feather or two as the thief fled with his eyes bulging and squealed something that somehow resembled ‘Oh god oh god oh god! ’ sprinting as fast as he could for the dense undergrowth. The rest of the flock meanwhile had taken their own view of the situation and now grasping the change in the party politics, stepped out to the clearing…and right into the path of the ceratosaurus who was simply stumped by the appearance of such a copious amount of snacks. Bedlam took over the clearing. The velociraptors squealed pitifully and galloped for the brush like rabid cheerleaders in some horror comedy. The ceratosaurus stamped after them, snapping her teeth and drooling with hunger. And only Groot, who went on standing there like some toy soldier, and the phlegmatically-chewing triceratops remained as the solitary islands of tranquility in the ensuing ocean of insanity. “Stop laughing! Follow me! ” Chip ordered. The squad rushed towards the nest in disciplined order. Only Smoky lagged behind because he had been helping Shepard get more comfortable in the shade. “Finally! ” Groot greeted them happily. “There…the eggs are there. ” He picked up a branch and pointed it to the lower part of the nest. Then he dashed aside as he had been ordered and froze there, staring at the tail of the ceratosaurus vanishing among the trees. They got to work: Taking the eggs from the nest and carefully placing them in specially-designed sections in the satchels. The filled satchels were picked up and carried to the brush and everything went just fine and without a single hitch until it was Chip’s turn. The lieutenant colonel was fastening his satchel when Groot began to yell: “Help me! ” The biota was running as fast as he could, twisting and turning away from the triceratops’ jaws. “So that’s who’ll eat him, ” said Dragonfly. Chip no longer had the time to be surprised how the biota had managed to reach the other end of the clearing. Although, if you think about it, there was nothing surprising here at all: This was Groot after all. “Into the forest! ” Chip growled, heading to intercept the triceratops. Noticing that backup was on its way, Groot changed course to rendezvous with the lieutenant colonel. “Sorry! ” he yelled, running past Chip. “I just wanted to pet him! ” “I’ll kill you! ” the lieutenant colonel promised him and whipped the stink-apple from his pocket. Taking a moment to aim, he yelled: “Gasmasks on! ” and tossed the fruit at the triceratops’ maw. The apple traced a shapely arc and plopped down right on the tongue of the dinosaur, who had opened his mouth in anticipation of a fresh bit of biota salad. The triceratops mechanically snapped his jaw shut and stopped rooted with his horns in the ground. A green gas began to snake from his nostrils and tears seeped from his eyes, while the first of three debuffs appeared over his head. Roaring pitifully, the poor lizard took off through the trees. “Okay. Where is that bastard..? ” Chip looked around. The bastard in question was busy rolling an egg out of the nest. “Put it down, you moron! ” barked Chip, running past. Groot hesitated and the pirc grabbed him like a folder of documents and then grabbed the egg too. At this point, there came the crash of a falling tree, drowned out by savage growling. The unsated ceratosaurus returned to the clearing. “Goddamn it, ” the pirc managed. Seeing her plundered nest and something furry beside it with an egg in its paw and the harmless vegetable weirdo underarm, the ceratosaurus immediately put two and two together and launched after her revenge. The lieutenant colonel recalled the stink apple he still had, but there wasn’t any time to get it. “I will kill you, Groot! ” hollered Chip tearing for the trees. He yelled at his squad as he ran: “Everyone back to base! I’ll distract her! ” Much later, everyone recalled to much laughter how the white pirc tore through the clearing with the dangling biota underarm, the egg in his paws and an endless torrent of curses and oaths streaming from his mouth. Rushing into the forest, Chip tossed Groot over his shoulder, stuck the egg in his hands and kept running as the ceratosaurus smashed against the trees behind him. “You shall not pass! ” yelled the unbridled biota, not suspecting that only the fear of breaking the rhythm of his pace kept the pirc from teaching him when to shut up. As if mocking his words, the ancient trunks that had impeded the enraged mother’s progress began to bend with menacing creaking. The flock of velociraptors appeared right in the way of the runner. “Fly, you fools! ” Groot yelled at them. Unlike him, the ancient lizards hadn’t read the English fantasy classic and hadn’t seen the movies either. In exchange they had a long memory and an excellent appetite. Seeing his assailant on his own, the leader hissed, aggressively ruffling the remaining feathers on his neck. “Toss him the egg! ” Chip yelled. “Why? ” “I’ll kill you! ” “Toss him the egg, sir, yes sir! ” The leader didn’t have time to revel in the sudden gift that came flying his way. Groot tossed the improvised grenade straight into the velociraptor’s short paws and the leader automatically grabbed the unexpected gift, instantly becoming the center of attention for the entire flock. Which is what Chip wanted. “Extra point! ” he barked, punting the confused velociraptor as he ran. For the second time in five minutes, the poor lizard surged into the sky. And once again, not of his own volition. Without releasing the egg from his claws, he hurtled right past the eyes of the ceratosaurus who had just finished stamping the trees under her feet. The rest of the flock, recalling what took place following this same event only five minutes ago, didn’t bother waiting for the continuation and melted away into the forest. The ceratosaurus watched the leader’s trajectory and immediately lost all interest towards Chip. Turning around, she crashed off after the flying egg. “Liverpooool! Allez! Allez! Allez! ” Chip screamed like a steam whistle, disappearing in the dense thicket. “And the Jacksonville Jaguars are headed to the Superbowl! ” squealed Groot from his shoulders. The lieutenant colonel burst through the brush and all but crashed into his squad. “What are you dicking around here for? ” he yelled. “Move those legs! On the double! Groot—do me one last favor before I kill you—heal Shepard. ” “Sir, yes Lieutenant Colonel Sir! ” the biota replied. Meanwhile, Dragonfly began: “ By the old Moulmein Pagoda… ” “ …lookin’ lazy at the sea, ” [6] the others chimed in. Having completed its mission, the squad headed back to the Lair in victory and triumph, while for his part, Chip realized the most important thing: He definitely wanted to see the Tree. If the other biota were as odd as Groot, there was no way he’d be bored even for a moment in this game. [1] All pirc NPCs bear the names of animals. The abovementioned Nebulos is a Clouded Leopard. Latin name: Neofelis nebulosa. [2] A reference to Herman Melville’s novel Moby-Dick in which Ahab, the captain of the whaler Pequod, fanatically pursues a white sperm whale named Moby Dick. [3] Rudyard Kipling, “Boots. ” [4] Rudyard Kipling, “‘Birds of Prey’ March. ” [5] Rudyard Kipling, “Two Kopjes. ” [6] Rudyard Kipling, “Mandalay. ”.

Download Torrent raid nature. How on earth did I not know you guys were a Christian rock band? Is there a reason you don't promote yourselves as such? Why promote it? Our Faith is crucial to us but Jesus isn't a marketing tool. -Stephen Christian. I myself am not religious, but have been listening to Anberlin since the early 2000's in High school. Can confirm Jesus is not a marketing tool, but a friends word of mouth and making brilliant music is. Anberlin just out-edging "Andy Mckee" for alphabetic reign on my Google Music library. Eat it Andy! -SC. What are your favourite Anberlin Songs. For me its Christa Pafgen, Self Starter, and IJSW, (and no love to speak) How do you believe your faith has shaped you as a band? How much of an impact is it? My faith is me and I am my faith. To separate myself from Jesus is to destroy everything I am. What do you guys do for fun when not writing and performing? Outdoors: biking, running, climbing, etc. Favourite Bible verse? James... all of it. Hey guys! What do the small metal spheres in your "Impossible" video signify/symbolize? What does "Type Three" refer to? You guys are one of my favorite bands, and you are incredible live. My first concert was Warped Tour 2008 in Denver and I saw you guys there. Anberlin has helped inspire me to be a drummer/guitarist/musician as well as a frequent concert goer. Thank you so much! Any chance you can play "Dance Dance Christa Päffgen" tonight at the Gothic in Denver? I love that song! The small metal spheres signify that small metal spheres look sweet in slow motion. Also, have you not noticed the small metal spheres in our other videos...??? - NY. Hey guys, I just want to say thank you. I absolutely love your Cities and New Surrender albums. They really helped me through some rough times. My question for you, i'm agnostic, but i still am able to find a lot of meaning and purpose in your music, did you guys really try to reach a broad audience? I think music crosses many barriers, whether language or otherwise. Thank you for having an open mind and are willing to listen to us even though you don't believe what we believe. Much appreciated. Hey guys, on Vital you decided to go for more of an electronic sound. What type of sound can we expect for the next record? I'm a huge fan by the way. I'm coming to see you in Milwaukee this Sunday! I think somewhere in between Dead American and Paper thin Hymn is where we belong. -SC. Hey guys, first I want to say I absolutely loved you when I saw y’all back in March. Currently I’m pursuing a Master’s in English and, as part of a paper, I’ve elected to look at the lyrics of “Fin” in terms of queer theory. You use childlike names (Tommy, Billy, etc. ) in the beginning of the song, and allude to the possibility of abuse (“You made his faith…man of the cloth”). Is this an intentional reference to sexual abuse? Is there any lyric root in child sexual abuse at all? Or am I totally misinterpreting things? Not sexual, but a few of us have had some rough childhoods. Good read! -SC. I know Devotion just came out and is a huge deal (and is absolutely amazing), but can we still expect a new full-length album next year? HELLLOOO REDDIT- This is Stephen the singer, we are going to be switching off as a band. We are here to answer your questions! So, yes we are planning on doing a full length and releasing it next year. We have a few ideas and can't wait to get into the studio hopefully in January. What was your inspiration for the song "Fin"? I've heard a lot of different stories behind it and wanted to know the real deal. My childhood. Growing up trying to find God through Christians is hard. Luckily I found him through Jesus. Is that Borderlands in the background? Absolutely. In your opinion, how important is the use of these platforms for you and why or why not do you think they’re important? What advice do you have for independent/unsigned bands/artists who wish to make their hobby a career? How important has a manager/management or label been to the success of your career? Social media is important in the fact that it makes people believe that the chasm between the 'celebrity' or entertainer is smaller. It is not important because it is not real. The internet is the wonderful bliss of a false reality. If you want less frustration in your life keep it a hobby and not a career. There is no gold here, don't head west. If it is your passion the last phrase will not scare you so keep going. Don't give up. Hey guys! Can't wait to see you at the Gothic tonight! I've got three questions for you: -What songs or artists made the biggest impact on you in your youth? -What artists shaped who you are as a musician? -What song(s) do you wish you wrote? FOr me it was Morrissey & perhaps Nirvana/Pearl Jam. The Beatles, Jeff Buckley, and The Cure. Wrecking ball. Hello Anberlin! I am so ecstatic to have this opportunity to "ask you guys anything! " I have been a huge fan since your beginnings in MySpace back in 2005, and my love for this band has only grown. I really mean it when I say you guys are my favorite band of all time! Anberlin has inspired a great positive outlook with in my life with its lyrics, especially during my lowest points. I always felt your music grasped so many emotions, and I felt as if I could strongly relate to nearly each song. Seriously, I have such chills listening to your albums! The lyrics and sound come together so well. I have seen three of your performances, and I hope you guys can do more of your Acoustic tours more often! It is such a treat! :) I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for having such an impact on my life. Out of all the works Anberlin has done, what is a personal favorite? What have been the greatest/worst concert experience? My personal favorite is NTFP, its not that its our best album but it is absolutely sentimental to me. Some of our best concert experiences have been: Every show in SLC, Soundwave, Parachutes, Opening up for LP in Europe, opening up for smashing pumpkins in their hometown, amongst many other things. Worst is falling flat on my face in Montreal, CA. no fun at all. You guys are amazing! My wife and I have seen you live twice so far here in NYC, both times were awesome experiences. Just wanted to say thanks for making such great music, Vital is a great album. What do you guys do for fun when you're not busy touring/writing? We all go our separate ways, Xian-DJ's, Nate- works on roasting coffee beans, DEon helps his wife with her startup company, and Joey has dogs. If you guys hadn't become musicians, what careers would you guys be in? Joey: Pet Detective Deon: Something involving construction Stephen: Insurance Salesman Christian: I don't think I could do anything else... Nate: Coffee Roaster! I've been dying to know - who is Christa Paffgen? It's my favorite song by you guys and I'd just love to know the meaning behind the title. Love you guys and rock on! Google her. she's worth a google. Hey guys, just want to say that I'm a huge fan, been enjoying your music since Blueprints. Stephen, my then pregnant wife and I got to talk to you several years ago at Liberty U out in the audience before your show, and then again before a show at the 9:30 club you remembered us! Want to say thanks for being so friendly to your fans. How many people have told you over the years they named their child after your band name (or some variation of it - i. e. Amber Lynn) since you've been together? Also now that Devotion is out, what are the future plans for the band? Love you guys! A lot of people have named there kids after us, that and Anberlin tattoos floor me. -Stephen Christian *side note don't ever name your kid Amber Lynn. Trust me. DONT google it. Thanks for doing this! I've been a huge fan since I first heard you, and have seen you multiple times over the past ten years. Sadly though, have never heard time and confusion live. And desperately wish you had recorded an acoustic version. I am getting married this saturday and we have hired a local singer/singwriter to play Time and Confusion acoustically live for our first song. (Hope this is ok with you! :) So I guess my question is, what are you doing at 6pm this Saturday? Want to come to the philly burbs? Also, is there a reason you don't play this often and don't have an acoustic version? Its beautiful when done acoustic. Congrats on the wedding! Thats awesome that time&confusion was your song, feel free to upload to Youtube I want to see! -Stephen Christian. If you guys were to pick one song to represent Anberlin, which would it be and why? And thanks. Your music touched me deeply. :) Prob Paper Thin Hymn, it has all the elements that make Anberlin, Anberlin -Stephen Christian. Will you be working with Aaron Sprinkle again for future records? Your best albums are with Aaron. We'll see. As someone mentioned below: What was the story behind "Miserable Visu (Ex Malo Bonum)"? Also, what about "(*Fin)"? I've loved both of these tracks and thought they were great finales to both Cities and New Surrender. I've always been curious as to how they came about. Someone I am close to is into conspiracy theories and the apocalypse. Both are intriguing to me, the song is about a daydream I had that in the midst of the chaos saving the ones I love. (TIL The red priest was actually the composer Vilvaldi's nickname, Stephens favorite composer). -Stephen Christian Anberlin, Im not really a fan of Christmas or Christmas music... But I would buy your Christmas album. Can we expect one... Ever? Prob not. Sorry. We did put out one Christmas song about 6 years ago though! -Stephen Christian *baby please come home. Also, what do you guys do to relax or have fun when you aren't playing music? I lurk reddit and post funny pictures to our band's groupme account. - Joey. Whatever happened to the song Calm Culture Massacre during the NTFP sessions? Yeah, it got put down like a rabid dog. It was supposed to be a song about the current Christian culture hence CCM and it turned out poorly executed. Why is it that the best songs on the album end up being the B-Sides? I love all the songs on every album and know the lyrics but I like the B-sides more every time. Ha, yeah haunting was a mistake to leave off. I'd like to die we left off because the tambourine was not mixed well. It killed the song for us. -sc. Hi Anberlin! I've been listening to your music since the begining (punk goes 90s) and its been fun to see how your music has grown and improved. It's good stuff. anyway What was the idea behind the song God, Drugs, and Sex? I am an atheist, and one of my good friends is in the process of becoming ordained, and we both love the song but as you can guess, have very different ideas on what it is about. Also, What has been your favorite tour so far? best touring story? Thanks for the AMA I don't try to explain stephen's lyrics, but i love that you both approach that song from different view points based on your beliefs. that's why music is so amazing. it can mean anything to the listener. Wats your view on music piracy? Overall, not a fan. albums take money to record and release. if you like a band, buy the album. don't fall into the misconception/lie that no bands see money from their album sales. if no one supports art, it will die. What about spottily? when we listen is it still profitable? No, but it is better than illegally downloading. Spotify, like communism, is a great theory on paper; but right now just isn't working. Out of all your songs, which ones mean the most to each of you and why? And I also absolutely love you guys. have seen you 11+ times and are going to your boston show on the 26th! I (deon) love dance, dance just because it's so fun to play live. that's really how most of my favorites are gauged. Stephen/anberlin, are these the lyrics you sang on the acoustic tour on inevitable? you walking straight towards me you're wearing all that i see straight - you're walking straight towards me Yes, something like that it was improvised differently every night. I was trying to insinuate a bride walking down the isle, I feel like song is used in weddings a lot so why not indulge! -Stephen Christian. How sic are the dudes in Lydia though? How did Anberlin get into touring with the 8123 guys? What is 8123. is that a gang? -Stephen Christian. How do you feel about people pirating music? It is the reason I literally have a second job. I'm a huge fan and have been following you guys since the Nintendo Fusion Tour. Over the years, I've seen you a bunch -- so much, that I stopped counting at 15. I'm excited for Boston later this month! 1. ) Not really a question, but thanks for making the majority your b-sides easy to legally obtain. Sometimes it leads to buying the same album couple of times (I think I'm personally responsible for half of New Surrender 's total sales), but I don't have to pay large import fees or, worse, torrent. Hopefully things like Lost Songs, New Surrender 's deluxe rerelease, and Devotion will continue to be a trend. 2. ) At what point in the creation process do you say this album is going to be 10 tracks or 12 tracks and these four will be b-sides. For example, "Unstable" was a very strong track, but it was exclusive to iTunes as a b-side. 3. ) Along the same lines, how do you decide how many and what songs are going to be in a set? Do you find it hard to balance the songs that people expect with new material and surprises like "The Haunting"? 4. ) It's been a while since you guys have done a cover song. Is that something you guys are done with? Is there a song that you'd like to cover, but haven't? 2) we decide tracklisting once the album is all recorded and done. 3)with sets, we generally try to include as many fan favorite songs as possible. since we can't play them all due to time, we just have to vote each tour. 4) no plans for any covers right now. not opposed though. I'm a huge fan of you guys and the Buccaneers.. I thought I'd ask you a question about them. How do you feel about Greg Schiano? Fire him or let him stay? I don't love him, but I'd like to give him the rest of the year to get his crap together... But I'm pumped about Freeman being gone. Glennon 4 Life. - NY. Put yourself in this position: Actor Morgan Freeman has just won an Oscar, and you're extremely happy, because you're a fan of his. Out of the blue, during his acceptance speech, he announces that you are to be kidnapped at once. At the same time he says this, three kidnapping ninjas break into your living abode and snatch you away. You wake up two days later with no memory of what happened in between time; the first thing you see is Freeman standing above you. He then tells you that you have a choice: get fucked with one of his many tools (including a hammer, sledgehammer, axe, power drill, and a Japanese buzzsaw); play a game of H-O-R-S-E with, and defeat, Shaquille O'Neal (with Shaq-Fu powers, mind you), or fight all three kidnapping ninjas in a battle to the death. Complete any of these, and you'll be free to go. What do you do? Play a game of H-O-R-S-E, seems the least painful. Are you ever planning on doing a show down here on Mexico? We are so close! It would make my life if you would someday. I would love to do a show in Mexico! Book it! What happened with Universal Records? I knew that they didn't promote Vital as much as you and me and everyone else would've loved. But what happened behind the scenes of all of that? We love Universal, but Universal is done with rock music as a whole. They dropped all their rock acts and are really pushing Pop-___. Is there any chance of hearing more of the epic (in the literal sense of the word), post-rock vibe from (*Fin) in the future? That song is literally my favorite of all time. Have you heard God drugs and sex? -Stephen Christian. Ah! Wish you were doing a VIP in Charlotte this tour. Any chance you'll hang out with the fans after/before the show? I'll buy you coffee! We'll be around. we usually are. coffee is always welcome! 1) "The Unwinding Cable Car" is one of my favorite songs. 2)Who influenced your music? 3) You guys and The Fray duke it out in a parking lot over the use of the word "Cable Car"? A lot of bands influenced us, from Metalica to the Ramones to the Smiths. We are an amalgamation of everything we listened to growing up. We had Cable Car first! -Stephen Christian. Would you ever tour with The Classic Crime again? I love those guys, perhaps! Link to I've been a huge fan since Blueprints -- and I've really appreciated how much your style has evolved over the years. This goes double for Vital, which has been my favorite album of yours yet. I feel like it is also showcases some of the most pronounced changes in your music to date; what inspired this transition? Was it a conscious decision to shift gears like this, or has your guys' sound transformed more organically? We basically just write what we feel at the time. if we want to change it up, we do. Hey guys, thanks for doing this AMA. I'm the father of the father/son duo that show up at all your Connecticut shows. Just want to thank you guys for being there and doing what you do. Your music/shows have been instrumental in strengthening our father/son relationship. A wholesome activity we can both get excited about and enjoy. So, thanks again. What particular set of skills would you say you have? Nunchucks. (THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS! ) I've never heard your music in my life, but I'm coming to your concert to see the Maine perform. I guess my question is what bands would you say play music similar to yours, or have you sort of modeled yourself after anyone? Can't wait for the concert! I'm excited to hear some of your music! Edit: How do me gramer? Thanks for keeping an open ear to us. I'd say Jimmy Eat World and Foo Fighters are inspirations, be prepared to get your face melted at our show... I mean that in the best way possible. Anything upcoming from Anchor & Braille? Not as of yet ANberlin has been keeping me quite busy, but yes someday! -SC. Thanks for doing an AMA, guys. Just want to say that I absolutely love and enjoy your sound and your lyrics. I'll be seeing you guys with my wife and my brother in November in Atlanta and I'm stoked for the show! I have just 2 questions: 1) Which album did you enjoy writing the most? 2) Which album was the hardest to write? Writing- NTFP Hardest-New Surrender. I want to do that whole record over again. Dance, Dance, Christa Paffgen is such a damn good song. I mean, you're entire catalog is fantastic but that song... Gets me every time. You want to come to Delaware and play it for me? Fine. Want to buy me a plane ticket, a hotel, and give me some money so I can finally pay off my student loan? -Stephen Christian. Hey guys, how come you've pulled out of playing London again? Your shows are genuinely a highlight of recent years and I'm so glad you come over a lot more since you've left tooth and nail:) Ps - when you played *fin at the Islington academy I was so happy a little bit of pee came out. Sorry about that. it was really just a problem of logistics. we'll be back as soon as possible! Anberlin is one of my all-time favorite bands. I met the band in Seattle after one of your shows a few years ago, and you were all very nice. *fin is one of my all-time favorite songs, and your music has resonated with me for almost a decade now. My question is, have you had an interaction with a fan that stands out to you guys as being exceptionally funny/odd/meaningful? Also, when are you coming to Alaska?!? We are hoping we get to alaska at some point. it's a goal of ours... as for fan interaction, every one is different, but the ones that stand out are the fans that have truly felt something emotional and life changing as a result of something we've done. it's surreal. You guys have been my favorite band for several years now. about 8. listened to you guys on troops to cross-country and track meets that get me pumped up. number one favorite band right ahead of paramore! this is truly my only question and be honest, where has been your guy's favorite location to play? I won't hate if you don't say omaha:) SLC -Stephen Christian. In April of this year you played a show in Toronto at a smaller venue. For your last song you invited the crowd on stage to sing along. This was truly one of the most memorable moments of my life. How do you guys manage to always seem so down to earth? We have each other to put each other in our place. Hi! Like so many others in this thread, you guys have influenced me greatly in my life. I don't know where I'd be if I haven't decided to listen to your music. I remember days when I'd have a really horrible day at school and I'd walk home listening to your music and I just instantly felt a lot better. Your lyrics really inspire me and Anberlin was the first band who truly had songs that spoke out to me and actually meant something other than words that match a rhythm on a track. You guys followed me on Twitter earlier today and I literally jumped around in my class and could not stop smiling. It's such a little thing that means so much to me, so thank you for that. You guys made my day a whole lot better. I can't say thank you enough times. Here's my question: What was Anberlin like during the pre-Anberlin/SaGoh 24/7 days and what was your first show together like? Cheesy. Joey and Deon liked punk rock. I had bleached hair, joey wore metallica shirts, and deon wore overalls. (yes there are pictures out there somewhere. ) When we signed to a label they brought in a fashion director to change our wardrobe. (kidding. ) We were, however, a really funny bunch to hang out with. Stephen- Northern Lights is like the soundtrack for my life and I think it's one of your best songs, it came out great! Huge fan from SoCal! What is your favorite song to play live from Vital? Self Starter I just want to jump off the stage every time it starts! -Stephen Christian. Best oldies to listen to? Motown. Hey Anberlin! Just one question really, what's your favourite show to play/ have played outside of America? You guys are such an inspiration! Thank you for being incredible at what you do. TOOO many to count. Recently Singapore was incredible! -Stephen Christian. Have you ever played ''Audrey start the revolution'' Live?, I can't find a live performance anywhere of that song! It's my favorite. We should start playing that again! -Stephen Christian. What is something (trinket, photo, etc) that you absolutely cannot go on tour without? Bible. What are the chances of a show with you guys, Emery, Five Iron, Project 86, and The Almost? I would pay so much money. What is your favourite artist to play/tour with? Probably won't happen with those bands since they don't tour much, but we love any chance we have to tour with great friends. we're playing a few shows with TBS soon and we are very excited about that. Somebody told me that you were their favorite Christian band. Are you actually a Christian band? We are who we were when. Hey, my brother is a big fan (I'm pretty sure he still is). Except when you were in Michigan he was in Arizona and when you were in Arizona he was in Florida I think it was (He's a marine). Any chance you are just trying to avoid him? Haha. No way, we actually make a point to try and play as many shows for our servicemen and women as possible! We've even played an aircraft carrier somewhere off the coast of Africa... Tell your brother we'll see him soon - NY I mean no disrespect, but I've seen you live in concert 4 times, because you guys are awesome live. I don't know why, but I never really enjoyed your studio albums as much, because they don't do your live shows justice. Are they just overproduced or out of your hands? I wish they were more raw. Joey here, hey man, whatever works for you! Hence why we are recording our next record in a bathroom on my tape deck! What would be your dream come true? Playing music for a living... crap, i need a new dream now. I saw you guys two nights ago in Boise (amazing btw). I was recording a bit with my phone during A Day Late and Stephen pointed right at me, which makes for a pretty cool video in my opinion. Was that the purpose? My mother says it's impolite to point, so he was just being rude. Nate- You ready for the FSU vs Clemson game? Of course! - NY. Who's gonna call on Sunday morning? Also, who is gonna bring you home? Hopefully you! -SC. How'd you fellas get together? Stephen, joey and deon met in high school and then met the other two guys while playing shows. that's the short version. Do you have any plans to re-release NTFP, BFTBM, or NS on vinyl? I missed them the first two at Record Day Sale and New Surrender I was never able to get a hold of. I would like to complete my anberlin vinyl collection. Biggest fan and I'm so glad you guys are doing a AMA on reddit! We would love to do a boxset of all of our albums, so hopefully that will happen in the near future. Hey guys. Have seen you play 5 times at least. Amazing band. Thank you for the excellent music and thought provoking lyrics. Question: will you guys play at my wedding. I'm looking a for a live band. I'm sure you guys would be a good fit! Hit me up! You hit our manager up! -Stephen Christian. Hey Anberlin I was born and raised in winter haven Florida. Ive seen your yearbooks, why is Deon the only one in a yearbook. Dropouts. I have no questions, but I just wanted to let you know I love you're music. I saw you in concert once in Longview at the Belcher Center in 2012. It was an amazing experience and I don't like skinny jeans, but you guys really pull them off. Ha! nice. We are phasing that out as soon as we can afford some Imogean willy. I love you guys. I serisouly listen to "Mother" at least twice a day. That is awesome. I wish I wrote that song. Its like a warning to parents from Glen Danzig. Link to THAT IS AWESOME! > Link to I don't have a question, but I just wanna say I check your FB page regularly and your music plays on my Pandora stations regularly. Thanks for the work you put in! I appreciate it! -Stephen Christian. I have a sinus infection I can't shake. If it doesn't go away, go to a clinic or doc or you could have bigger problems soon. Netti Pot that nose. --Stephen Christian. You guys are one of the reasons I became a Christian. Thank you. Really? That is amazing! -Stephen Christian. Stephen, thank you for existing, you are someone I admire. I really appreciate that Jean! -Stephen Christian. I was actually listening to *fin while I stumbled upon your AMA!! Unfortunately my post will get buried beneath all the other ones because I'm a bit too late to the party, but I'd just like to say that I'm a huge fan of your music and that your music means a lot to me. Thank you guys so much! <3. Nope, found you. Hello! Everything about your music is amazing, I'm in love and have been since 2005:) My only question is how do I achieve one of my goals which is to meet you all. I see pictures of meet and greets / hangouts, I want to know how I can do this next time you visit my city (Cleveland). We should be coming through there in early spring, keep checking our website how to do it! -Stephen Christian. Hey guys! HEY NICOLE! -SC.

Download torrent rabid animals. Download torrent robin hood. Download Torrent raid. For the past year or so, there has been a growing divide in the Zeppelin community concerning a bootleg company, Empress Valley Supreme Disc (EVSD for short) and their so-called "soundboard revolution". Specifically, a flame war is erupting between people who regularly buy EVSD's releases, and people who torrent or download them for free. In order to fully understand, here's a bit of history: Starting in 2002, EVSD began releasing previously unheard soundboards of Zeppelin usually once every year in what was dubbed the "soundboard revolution". These new soundboards were almost always from either 1975 or 1977. With these releases came a sort of "gentlemen's agreement": those who wished to torrent/download the releases would have to wait until all the copies had shipped out. That way, EVSD would recoup their investment by having a certain number of people purchase the soundboards, which were always pretty expensive, costing hundreds of dollars. Things went smoothly until two years ago, when the soundboard for the band's show in Seattle on March 21st, 1975 was released on soundboard. Soon after EVSD began shipping the soundboard, a user on the popular torrent site Dime called "jesusmahdi" posted the show before shipments had finished. EVSD contacted him, asking him to pull the show because they had not yet recouped their investment. He not before someone else had managed to torrent it. From there, the floodgates were opened, and many people had managed to download the soundboard before it had finished shipping. The resulting controversy caused EVSD to announce that they were pulling the planned release of a soundboard of the band's legendary "Live on Blueberry Hill" bootleg. Some feared that this would mark the end of the "soundboard revolution" if EVSD could not return a profit. Fortunately, last year, the soundboard revolution continued with the release of the soundboard for the band's legendary gig in Osaka, Japan on September 29th, 1971. Unfortunately, it was only a partial soundboard, notably missing almost the entirety of the acoustic set and Whole Lotta Love. To add insult to injury, the prelude to the release of the partial soundboard was marked by EVSD releasing three songs from the show, one at a time (Immigrant Song, Friends, and Stairway to Heaven) and charging exorbitant amounts for it (about $ one song). This release also included a "fuck you" message to jesusmahdi, telling him to stop releasing the soundboard early. Jesusmahdi ended up releasing the show on Dime early anyway, and even humorously made the "fuck you" message his avatar on the site. The resulting controversy resulted in quite a nasty argument developing within the Zeppelin community, particularly in this thread on. The insulting starts at the bottom of the page and just goes downhill from there. A portion of the thread had to be deleted by the administrators because things were getting so heated. Supporters of EVSD argued that it was entirely inappropriate for anyone to put the show online early. They pointed out that EVSD has been contributing a lot to the Zeppelin community by releasing these boards, and as a result, we should be grateful and comply with their request to withhold releasing the show online. At times, the rhetoric got particularly heated with some accusing people who download the show as being children who just want everything for free and aren't willing to pay for it. Opponents argued that EVSD's release strategy was utterly greedy and ridiculous and that their insults towards the community would only hurt them. Furthermore, they pointed out that piracy has been hurting the music industry for decades, and that EVSD shouldn't expect anything different for themselves. This controversy has continued with the recent partial soundboard release of the band's show in LA on March 24th, 1975. Things got particularly nasty with this thread on Dime (note: you need a Dime account in order to read the thread). Once again, jesusmahdi uploaded the soundboard, and once again, an EVSD defender began an argument with other users. So where do you all stand on this controversy? Do the torrenters deserve EVSD's new release strategy since they broke the agreement? Is EVSD being too greedy? Does EVSD deserve what the torrenters are doing now? Here is my take, and you can feel free to disagree: I'm more against EVSD than the torrenters, although I understand the grievances of both sides. On the one hand, I can understand wanting people to wait until all copies are shipped before torrenting them. I can also understand the fears of an early torrent cutting into profits, as well as EVSD being displeased with jesusmahdi for torrenting the show early. On the other hand, I think EVSD is fighting a losing battle. Fewer and fewer people are buying CDs these days. While vinyl has seen a resurgence, by and large, people prefer streaming. Furthermore, most of the rabid Zeppelin fanbase that constitutes EVSD's market is starting to get up there in age. Bootlegging is not necessarily something that is passed down to future generations. Sure, there's a younger audience for Zeppelin, but they're much more likely to listen to the studio version of Whole Lotta Love on Spotify, as opposed to paying hundreds of dollars for a soundboard of a random live show. As the older Zeppelin fans will die off over time, the market for EVSD will continue to shrink. This will mean that in order to maintain a profit, they will have to either jack up the prices to ridiculous levels, or continue releasing more and more of these "samples" to spread the release out. This will only piss off more and more fans, and will cause more people to stop buying their releases out of protest. This has already begun happening, as evidenced by multiple users in the thread vowing not to buy the soundboard unless it is complete. While I could understand wanting to spend hundreds of dollars to get a brand new release of a never before heard soundboard, EVSD doesn't exactly have the best track record. Their release of the soundboard for the band's March 11th, 1975 Long Beach show ran at the wrong speed initially, forcing them to issue a speed-corrected version. Their release of the soundboard for the March 20th, 1975 Vancouver show was marred by the audio being overly compressed and hot, so a lot of people ended up downloading fan remasters. Not to mention their releases of audience recordings have sometimes included patches to other shows to fill in gaps... without saying so in the packaging. They aren't the worst company when it comes to messing up audio or misleading the they aren't the best either. That is a major factor in my decision not to pay them. These practices are amateurish at best and fraudulent at worst. If they want money, they need to earn it, not simply expect it. Even with them unearthing these soundboards, is it too much to ask that they speed correct them and leave the sound untouched? Personally, I don't think so. Lastly, I simply do not think that there are that many people who did not purchase EVSD's releases just because they were torrented early. If someone is willing to purchase a release that costs hundreds of dollars and includes elaborate packaging, I do not see them being concerned with torrents of the show. They've already decided to purchase rather than download for free, and I don't think an early release online would change that mentality. Likewise, the vast majority of people who download the show have already made up their minds to get it for free. They aren't going to want to purchase it even with a delay. I think EVSD's best strategy going forward would be to adopt a preorder system. Announce that they have a new soundboard, announce that they need a certain number of people to preorder it, then once that target is reached, ship it out. I've seen some people worry that this strategy would mean people's money would be tied up for too long. To which I say that if someone is willing to spend that much on a bootleg, they are already tying up their money in something which is technically illegal. I don't think they would not particularly care how long it takes as long as they eventually get the soundboard. Furthermore, there are worries that someone from Led Zeppelin would find out about it and attempt to stop their practices. To which I say that if Jimmy or someone else from Led Zeppelin really wanted to, they would have found a way to stop EVSD by now. Furthermore, if EVSD does end up getting shut down by someone from Led Zeppelin, it'll serve them right. They do not occupy the moral high ground. They do not own these recordings in a legal sense. They are doing precisely the kind of practice that Jimmy and many musicians despise: charging fans ridiculous amounts of money for something that is often in inferior sound quality. To me, EVSD is a perfect example of how bootleg companies are a necessary evil. Without them, it's a real possibility that these boards would never have seen the light of day. But their practices are very greedy and despicable imho. If EVSD cares so much about making money, they should see the writing on the wall: partial releases, rising prices, and insults to the community will only turn more and more people away from them. They need to change their strategy going forward if they hope to continue existing. But, then again, that's just my two cents. (Friendly reminder: whatever your thoughts on this are, please be civil in the comments. Let's not have this turn into the threads I linked above).

Download torrent rabid windows 7. Download torrent reba complete season. Download Torrent raider. Download torrent rabid pokemon. Download Torrent rapid'news. Hello! How did the whole TPB get started? What sparked the idea? Were you afraid to start the website? Bittorrent was kinda new. We wanted to advance from the (then) reigning DC++. Afraid? We ain't afraid of no ghosts. TPB originally was meant to be a place for us and our closest friends. Quite soon we noticed we had a lot of friends. Link to Link to:) We know you have, at least in TPB trials, had contact with many representatives of the copyright industry. As much as I dislike them, they are all humans. Have they ever said anything particularly interesting, sympathetic, or disconcerting to you? Even something that was legitimately scary? Some of them are really nice. Some are just puppets. Henrik Pontén is one of the nicest "antipirates" out there. I second this re. Henrik Pontén. +1. Didn't he get a lot of hate directed towards him for some reason? Maybe it was that he was on the wrong side of "the battle", did you ever talk about that? I think he is just where he wants, even if speaking of "sides" and "battles" sometimes really isn't helping. But honestly, he is one if the few 'anti pirates' who actually have behaved in a civilized manner rather than some cowboy copyright lawyer mumbo-jumbo. Awsome, i can imagine how strange that must have felt. "Tjena är du en av dedär killarna från tpb? " "ehm ja?... " "kan inte du berätta hur man använder utorrent? " Pretty much. + they were huge. I thought I was gonna end up in "Cops gone bad 2". When you want a game/software, then you buy it, google it, or just download it from TPB? I buy most my games from steam now a days. rest of it is free and/or open software. To me, it is very uncommon that I want to use a software which does not exist in a free version. (And in this case, free does basically mean GPL. ) So well, I google it. I actually buy most games, mostly because it's no hassle anymore. Movies on the other hand I never pay for. Except cinema. I don't play games. Do you find it funny that the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division pirates movies and TV Shows, or are they above the law? "FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division"? Sounds like the most boring job ever. I sure hope they torrent some movies and TV shows to brighten their sad days. I don't know if you know this but do you guy know how many proxies for The Pirate Bay exist? Well over 9000. What is your favorite Bittorrent Client? We cant have favorites, it would be unfair. Do you think subscription services like it could one day make piracy unneeded? To us, "piracy" has always meant so much more than just consumption or downloading. Piracy is not necessarily digital, illegal or whatever. So it should be obvious that a centralized streaming service – where one company is in control of the supply and how it is presented – can never make piracy unneeded. Spotify could go a dangerous way back to the days of MTV when TV decided what we liked to listen to. Putting all the songs in one basket is a bad idea, piracy will still solve that. Thanks for all your work keeping the Internet an open forum for its users! Any upcoming projects that we should keep an eye out for? We are all individually involved in a lot of different exciting projects! But PB as a a brand or organisation was put to rest a few years ago. Thanks for the response, as a followup, why was the Pirate Bay brand put to rest? It's a huge brand around the world that has a ton of influence. Afaik TPB is still up and running. We, however, left the ship in early 2004ish. "FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division"? Sounds like the most boring job ever. @discobbedienti say "FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division" RLY quick a dozen of times and the secret message will shine through. Did you expected TPB to become that enormous torrent beast? The entire world knows about it, talks about it. Some fears it. How did you handle that? We gave the beast away to some other dudes. No, we were never ready for it to take off the way it did. We had no server capacity to speak of at the time. What is your current situation with the law? Depends on the country, it's illegal in russia to be pro-gay so i guess some of us needs to go to jail in that part of the world. Traw-law-law-law-law-law-law-law-law-law-law-law! Seriously speaking our engagement in Piratbyran never ever have resulted in any kind of complications with the law. How many governments are after you right now? They're all after us. We are the only ones looking forward. What has been your favourite memory of running the pirate bay since starting it? Most of the memories have included cats. Some in flames. Getting stopped by cops when shopping, only to be asked about how to use utorrent. If TPB was just one of the projects of PB, what were/are the other projects? We had one site were we sold votes in electorials to the highest bidder. Another one mocking american forces in Iraq. was kind of like 4chan. It roughly translates to "i confess". Mainly being cocky in media. Trying to divert the discussion from boring right/wrong talk into progressive thoughts about the internets potential. Piratbyrån was one projects coming out from a quite flexible and creative group of people connected to both hacking and politics. Other projects (that noticably never got as popular as PB and later TPB) include stuff concerning different kinds of free-riding; subways, work, shopping, democracy. We did a looot of afk-talking, and writing, and helped kids with their homework in highschool. Ten years ago people really didn't understand how to use the internet, we spent lots of work on education, making guides, flyers, media appearances, etc to teach about file sharing. also made a few other sites and physical projects. like an art exhibition in Italy which is an epic journey in its own right. Why did you leave TPB in 2004? We were running too many projects in parallel at the time, and to be honest most of us are quite worthless when it comes to tech. TPB was handed over to people who were dedicated and wanted to make it huge and awesome. It was a mutual separation involving politics, safety and humour, but we kept joint custody over some of our children until they all died. To many shiny new things to do, TPB was better left off in the hands of the administrators so we could focus on matters at hand. Do you have any regrets from leaving? No, not really. We're more of partystarters than actual hosts. What do you think of Anonymous? Have you ever worked with them on anything? You're both outstanding spokespeople for internet freedom. Anon sweden is a joke without a good point, worldwide i think it's... kinda cute? we're so different BUT: 2. we both used the internet i guess. 3. hmpf. Personally, I find Anonymous quite interesting. Apart from the misogynist thing, which is quite problematic. Misogynist creeps, sometimes doing good things. Since the question has been edited, may I ask why? :(>~ What projects are you guys working on now? What are the plans for PB in the future? PB is dead, and has been for some years now. But I guess most of us are still into the things that got us interested in this stuff; hacking or politics. What are your guys' opinions on the legal system behind copyrights in the United States and around the world? What do you think should be done to fix it? What kind of compromises do you think would satisfy both the consumers/pirates who seem to call for the absolute abolishment of copyright, and corporations/government bodies proposing stricter internet regulation? Do you think any are possible/plausible or are we fighting a futile war? I'll tell you this: i'm easy. as soon as the copyright-cowboys comes along with ONE rule and/or idea that works democraticly with the law, i wouldn't mind. i wouldn't even mind them owning EVERYTHING. but they really suck so i don't want to give them any rights to culture or money at the moment. The fact that file sharing will happen and that the gigantic Orwellian surveillance system that need to be in place to make sure we couldn't do these things are so insanely intrusive that its neither feasible nor wanted and so expensive that no one would afford it. We need to "fucking deal with it". We need to see that the internet is here to stay and so is the reproductability of digital goods, we cannot wish or anger this away. it doesn't care about hurt feelings. We need to have a discussion about if our future really need a enforceable system to sell and control digital copies or if it should go the way of the piano tuners. So whats the alternatives? Can we trust the rabid anti piracy law makers to one day say "well, thats enough. this is how far we shall take the law, now let them pirate". They will do no such thing! instead there will be more and more regulations and laws with no end. As soon as we accept the validity of their claims, that our communications are less important then their hunt for copies, we also accept a chain of regulations, that are working to end the internet as we know it. Either trust your politicians to stop making stupid laws or chose your what you want for a future. Where is the pirate bus now? I think its last trip will be the one we did summer 2011 to CCCamp, its now parked and quite gold coloured. Which industry lawyers were the hardest to deal with? Music, Movies or Gaming? We just said fuck off to all them. Equally easy. None of them. They're slow as hell. What's your opinion on the silk road? Can it last? I think silk road, or similar, can't not exist any more. its an idea that has started and like most ideas it cannot be removed that easily. What are your political views? Leftist? I think the leftists called us decadents. Yes. So far left it's not even political. Disobedient with a pinch of disco. communists with a flavor for champagne. I would call ourselves a group of radical but extraordinarily functional and pragmatic outcasts. Do you think it is wrong if the people behind TPB organization are making huge amounts of profit? (Take out server maintenance and all, i know it's very expensive and that they work very hard to keep the site running) I dont know how much they make. If any, they've never strike me as very sharp businessmen. But who knows? I think they would make more money without all the seminude anorectic girls. Don't know about the current owners. But if you've ever met brokep, tiamo and anakata, it's quite obvious they are no millionaires. The guys always had to keep real jobs to feed them what i know. Are you still closed for second thoughts? A lot of shit went down that year. Our co-founder and close friend Ibi died. A lot of us focused on our friends and families. will you update your site soon? It was also a note to everyone. As the discussion about filesharing and copyright was pretty much the same as in 2003. We felt that we had done our part and that there was no reason trying to convince the anti pirates about our causes. As a Swedish person I'm curious to why the site went over to that sign. We are happy with the current status of things. Did you ever think that your projects were ever going to be this big? Not really no, PB started as a discussion in a pub over a stupid press release from some hollywood thugs that the papers reprinted as news and ended in something quite larger. Obviously not. We didn't believe that bittorrent would reign for this long. Back in our days, a protocol or service was replaced by a new one every 2 years. IT'S TIME FOR SOMETHING NEW! What is piratbyrån now? are you gone forever? We are in your head. A form of gas. most of us have gone separate ways, doing other things with other people. What do you think the future holds for copyright laws? It seems to be an all or nothing game. the lawmakers arent looking to stop anytime soon i think. if we all dont do anything about it. I would abolish them in total, then deal with the situation that would appear. maybe it would be awesome, maybe new laws would need to take place. What are the chances of it being unblocked in the UK ever? I know there are ways to get around it, but still:) With a million proxies, it's not really an issue anymore right? Besides politically. What is your favorite species of Pokemon? More of a Pony fan... We're too old for that Pokemon hype. Sorry. My kids like Pokemon, but I've never learned what those monsters are really called. Do you like cheese? Only soy cheese. Eating gruyere right now.. What are your opinions about TPB AFK? Boring court flick. Nicely done though. TPB AFK is a quite dark movie concerning mainly the TPB trial. At least my main objection is that it misses at least 6 years of total lulz. We prefer not to regard TPB AFK as a finished project, just because the official film is nor premiered. We really look forward to what will happen with all the film material that was not used in that official film. Great scenes from our bus, etc. We really should do a shorter remix with all the boring court scenes deleted. If only for we who did already spend some time at the court, listening to the trials. So, only the bus scene? Could work... Are you afraid of some shit from Swedish goverment? Now then again, what is the "Swedish government"? Of course we are afraid of governments' shit. Every sane person is, right? That does not mean we're personally afraid. Being members of the Pirate Bureau wasn't really dangerous or something. Do you think its time for a revamp of TPB after its 8 years of existing? I think we all are surprised that TPB still is alive. At the time Bitorrent was the new protocol. I am surprised there hasn't been anything new. 2013 is supposed to be the future, right? Because of how old it is or because you thought it would be shut down? We always hoped and thought something better would be up within a year or two. Do you plan on expanding TPB into something more? or will TPB always be the same? not that there is anything wrong with that i love TPB. We don't run TPB anymore. But one can only hope that TPB quits soon. So that something new can emerge. Thanks for doing this AMA! You guys rock! You should ask the fishy ppl making money of ridiculous porn ads, not us. I have a dream: I have written it out in brokep his AMA but nobody seems to notice me. How do you guys dream about the future? What do you want to happen with humanity? And how important is the philosophy of the people who like to share files in all of this? We started TPB as a way of doing communism. and by that i say good night and thank you all. Do you think it would we wise to give the Pirateparty a different name? We're not in the business of naming political parties. Our take on the Pirate party has always been that it is too much about pirates and too little about partying. How can we find out about your other various projects? We should write a book. How has being involved with TPB created opportunities for you elsewhere? But this one time, we made an auction site for selling and buying votes. During the swedish election about joining the European monetary union. That was fun! How did you keep TPB running for so long? Most of us had been involved in political activities before, but this was the first time we actually had any fun. What would you do differently if you had a second chance with TPB? Would have a less arrogant and hopefully more mature look on the dynamics of things. Lot's of silly arguments at the time. Involving cats. And would have prevented it from being the only site around. Should have spawned copies of copies of copies of TPB. It would be an idea to use the features of the bittorrent protocol in order to sophisticate certain kinds of "old" P2P-networks, like soulseek and audiogalaxy. not driving everybody to a search engine on the www, but also cultivate the potential of browsing each other's music folders. What's the longest skid any of you ever did on a bmx? Our bike hero omniuwo isn't here today, but hes that guy that always show up with a new bike he welded him self with some weird never-seen-before feature. You guys are just drowning in pussy, aren't you? (Yes, I am being serious) I'm a girl and i still only get one. As a sidenote: pussy is not a liquid. maybe one day you'll discover this. No, but endless amounts of dicks. Straight married man. Whats your favorite hacker conference? Many of us used to go to CCC in Berlin, some still go there (though it has moved to Hamburg). Do you still have meetups? The group within Piratbyrån was born has been meeting on IRC and during get-togethers for at least 15 years or so. First and foremost we are really good friends. I would like to know what this 'something new' you guys have in mind is, exactly. Would it be a distributed site, like in Freenet, or a site that is even tougher to geolocate (and take down), such as a Tor site or an Invisible Internet Project Eepsite? Or would it be something like DHT? I'd like something of a mix between Slsk, winmx, kazaa lite. With huge amounts of meta data, somewhat decent anonymity and encryption and a sweet gui. Transfers using bittorrent. Pretty please? My question relates to the "great power, great responsibility" motif. Has there ever been a time TPB has been used (correctly) for something you wish it wasn't? The porn ads on TPB are rly:((( <- THIS very much so, and several arguments have been had. It's saturday?? :O. Earliest trace of planning would from 29 days ago when the trailer for the movie came out and folks asked me to do an AMA about our part of it. but mostly it was tought up somewhere in the night to today. Caturday, frauxelito! What is traffic like? are there certain times after a new tv show or movie comes out that traffic increases a ton? Sweden is really cold and dark during the winter. Lot's of polar bears roam the streets. Other than that, Traffic is the name of (at least) 2 great movies. I like you guys. you are a creative bunch. keep up the good work. Based on your answer, we like you too. How many are you in the pirate bureau you'd say? Piratbyrån is no more. Dunno how many were involved. Probably between 50-100 in varying effort.. No real answer exists, but maybe 8-20 people and at least 1 bot, depending on time and place. From 2 to 2000, its hard to tell as we never really was good at organizing stuff. but the more active clusters where about 10-20 people. Edit: you see what i mean about us being bad at organizing? yeah. What are some good classes or things to learn for someone to work on or improve programs like TPB or others? Any java class will do. Learn to program, learn about encryption and networks. But most important get out on the internet and get in touch with others! Did you guys watch Melodifestivalen today? If so, which contender did you guys dislike/hate the least? There can only be one (banana). One of the main reasons for starting TPB was that we wanted people to discover better music, movies and so on. Since Mello is still on the air, I guess we failed. The winner was depressingly boring. as soon as she stopped singing you forgot how the song sounded. How do you feel about Disney? Have they sent you any death threats? Only when we said we would never watch Star Wars 7. What is your opinion about adding BitTorrent as a distribution method for Creative Commons material? In my opinion they shouldn't advertise anything. But it's not our show any more. How do you think The Pirate Bay could better advertise legal 'free' content (Creative Commons, General Public Licenses, etc. )? Seems logic that uses BT. Edit: When I said 'advertise' I really meant 'support'. But okay! The Promo Bay thingie is perhaps what you're asking about? What is the one thing people, as supporters for a free internet, need to contribute towards the rejection of any internet regulation in any form/country/corporation? Transparency, self-sanitazion. Oh the scenarios are endless i guess, but maybe to always think outside yourselfs? like "yeah this is great for me and my ipad buuut what about the rest of the world, or the world that i one day would love to live in" The knife releases a new album April 5. I know! Super excited! How do you see this ending? Do you think that The Pirate Bay will ever be shut down by the authorities or will you just eventually give it up? It's not our site. But think of it like this: will people stop using it? hopefully, when someone makes something better, and hopefully that's soon! TPB will not be shut down. But hopefully they call it a quits before they are totally irrelevant. Since you've been probably all involved, can you estimate how many kopimist schools are there? What are the main differences in fundamental principles among them? There are innumerable kopimist sects these days. From very orthodox kopimists, to mystical schools like anti-cosmic chaos kopimism. There's one for every kopimist. It started out as 23, but then we lost a great one in 2010. What would you say the best way to share files with friends on a private, invite only type network? Direct Connect? Over a couple of beers at your home. What goals do you hope to achieve in the next five years and what goals do you think are completely unattainable or unrealistic? A new and better set of secure communication tools with a richer community and exploring capability, more awareness of encryption by the general population, atleast the younger generation. Unrealisticly? a future where the above wasnt needed. Thanks for the answer, is quite an honor:) It is funny how it started as something so little, just for the hell of it, and now TPB is synonym with freedom of expression around the world. Sometimes things works in mysterious ways:) What do you think of the new MEGA site? This file hosting service trend must stop. It's a step in the wrong direction. I was hoping for a common cloud thingie. Besides the Mega encryption being unsafe there is this thing about Mr Kimmie being a corrupt snitch and an egoistic fraud, making me at least kind of sceptic. Did you guy's planned this AusA for a long time or is this happening due to the people's payday's(lot's of cold beer) and it's being a slow saturday night? It's saturday?? :O. Any plans for future projects? Everything we do is part of both future and projects. Some of those we do together in new formations, some not. For the moment, what we are doing together is what we always have done the best; chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool. What do you need? Philosophy on constant flow of immigrant's into sweden? Does the big important king of sweden like or dislike byrån? What's the public thoughts about the organization? Greets från Åland. A fun fact about Åland is that the 3g gives you the host "" when taking the ferryboat thing to Sweden. If you could start piratebay all over again, what would you do differently? No cats. More meta data! Favorite political ideology? Common sense with a touch of positivism. Do you guys still keep in touch with each other? Like a distant family? Or was it all pretty distant to begin with? Some but not all of us are at IRC daily and talk shit as a big family. We're all on IRC. And we'll always be there. It all began on IRC and that is still where the party is. We tend to have a large amount of more or less secret back-chans for different formations and topics. This is how we have spent around half a lifetime together. Why are you open about being pirates when many other filesharing websites aren't? For the big sites piracy is a mean to money so they want silence, for the small elitist boards piracy is a mean for exclusivity so they want secrecy. For us piracy was a mean in it self and to raise public awareness so we where quite loud. Just to have it out in the open; I don't think many of us would identify themselves as "pirates". That is, at least today, not really an interesting identificator. When we started discussing Piratbyran some 10+ years ago, we saw that there was a growing youth movement of people using their home connections to share stuff. With fiber connectivity spreading around Sweden, it was ofc bound to happen. What we did was to accelerate this movement into something social, connecting it to other struggles, adding some political theory, and making it part of something bigger. Us calling it Piratbyran wasn't more that a prank that turned out well. Also, we never were a site. We were a part of a collective and never-ending process, never once ashamed if what we were up to. Tits or ass? Link to What other projects are on the go? PB is closed, but if you need to change something you should start some projects up yourself! Besides spawning TPB, what else did y'all do? It's a bit of Internet history black hole (at least in English)... True, this is a history that is mostly still not written in English. I think it will happen over some years time, but right now anybody who knows Swedish will be able to get a way bigger part of the story. The language part is a bit sad yes! but i believe the book is translated into english: occoli-kopimi. Our stuff depends a little bit on what role we took atm, but we raised awarness about the "safety" of a Printscreen used in court which i personally loved, and also a site called "fluktarna" where you could sign a petition to notify ISPs not to give out your info to private companies. This book we wrote explains it all. Rly, it does: Link to Can I torrent the movie? Offcourse, Link to has them all! Thanks! Even though I only meant it as a joke. Not funny. Happy cake day! How much does it cost to keep TPB running? How to you get that money? Those first servers were just home computers loitering around in wardrobes in our homes. Back in our days, the equipment where stolen, lent or donated. The first real dedicated server was an old desktop on a 512kbit radio link in a basement in mexico that didnt cost a dime. we had server outages due to floodings so it wasnt optimal. Then we got a server for free from a company that just had been raided by the anti-piracy agencies that could grow the service. When you started TPB, did you ever believe it would get as big as it did? No, and the goal was never to get big, but to get copied. Has that worked? Any copies? Nope.. To be honest, I think that's the point where The Pirate Bay did fail. People believed in it too much, rather than being inspired by it. Some of us are trying. Granted, most of some of us are the same as the old some of you, but there is some new us. Or something. Rly, just a very very very small part of what earlier was Piratbyrån moved on to Telecomix.

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He's just not a people person. -He's a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude

Ντούλιτi n. And in two years. Doctor Dolittle and the Temple of Doom. Apparently the director didn't care about how the animals were going to fit so just half assed the whole film.


This trailer is incredible! The canons going of with the music is out of this world. And Robert is honestly what i'm here for. Most enjoyable film in a while.
Great set of actors making a truly enjoyable movie, very funny. Ανάσταση κυρίου. Ce 86%cf 83%cf 86%ce b1 ce bb cf 84%ce bf cf 82 for sale. Ανάσταση μετάφραση. He is a good actor. She is a good actress. Good pair. Film looks good. Soundtrack to this trailer is amazing.




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  1. Creator: Joyce Carol Oates
  2. Biography: Author


  • creator: Lone Scherfig
  • Genre: Drama
  • directed by: Lone Scherfig
  • Bill Nighy
  • Scores: 219 votes

Secrets from the Russian Tea Room Watch full article on foot. Secrets from the russian tea room watch full cast. Secrets from the Russian Tea Room watch full episodes. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. My ex-boyfriend betrayed me by giving away all of my secrets to the creepiest person I’ve ever come into contact with. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This took place about a year ago and I still have to deal with some of the consequences. I am a 19-year-old girl and I go to college about two hours away from my house. I got a full ride and I love making YouTube videos in my free time. I would create make up tutorials and things like that. I started when I was like 16 or 17 and I gradually built up a small following. It wasn’t enough that I was a celebrity or anything, but it was enough that I didn’t have to work a part-time job outside of college to have money. To be honest, it was really nice. The only real drawback was that I had a couple of really creepy guys that would always comment on my videos and word stock my Internet profile. Thankfully, I didn’t use my real name online and I never shot videos in places that could be recognized or tracked. I met my first boyfriend while I was in college. It was a couple weeks into our chemistry class and we ended up being assigned partners to each other. He seemed really nice and things just went from there. I dated him for the rest of that semester and a few weeks into the next semester. I started to notice that we weren’t the most compatible people. We had extremely different interests and different goals for what we wanted out of life. I tried talking to him about these concerns of mine, but he didn’t really care. Most of the time, he wouldn’t even talk to me because he was too busy playing video games. The night he told me he’d rather play Fortnite then talk about our relationship problems, I knew that I had to break up with him. There was no way this was going to work. Thankfully, we didn’t have many classes together so it wouldn’t be all that painful to be broken up. I figured that I was just going to drop the class that I had with him since I didn’t really need it. It was a pretty basic sociology class and I was taking way more credit hours than I needed. I talked to him after class that day and told him that I didn’t think we were compatible and that we should look for other people. He seemed really hurt by this. It was really surprising. I told him numerous times that there were problems between us and that I wanted to get to the bottom of them. He never made time to work with me on them but now all of a sudden, I want to break up and I’m the bad guy? If any of you have been in a situation like this, you can understand how frustrating it can be. I just walked away after I said my piece leaving him pretty frustrated and upset. He texted me a few times later that day but I just blocked his number. I eventually blocked him on all social media and I dropped the class that night. He would be out of my life, I thought to myself. Just a few weeks later, I was having coffee at a coffee shop that was pretty popular in our town. I had my favorite white chocolate mocha and I was just casually scrolling on my phone replying to comments on my YouTube videos. That was when a really strange looking guy in a dark green jacket walked up to me. He stood over me and just kind of looked at me for a second. I felt his presence immediately and looked up away from my phone to see him staring at me dead on. I got really intimidated and asked him, can I help you? He just smiled and said, “you’re even prettier in real life. ” I had no idea what he was talking about. “Ugh… what? ” He then proceeded to tell me that he was a fan of my YouTube channel. I found this extremely strange considering that he was a guy who obviously didn’t wear makeup. But it was also strange because I had never been recognized in real life before. I had about 62K subscribers. Sure, most of my subscribers and viewers were Americans, but it’s such a small number of people that the odds of being noticed in public are extremely rare for an audience of this size. I started thinking about the odds of some creepy older guy watching my makeup tutorials, being a fan, and just happening to find me out in public one day and how it all seemed extremely bizarre. He began touching my arm and asked if I was a lonely little girl who needed some company. I pulled my arm away, splashed my coffee in his face, and ran to the lady’s room. I waited there for a little while. I texted some of my friends to come to the coffee shop and check if he was still outside waiting for me. They had probably gotten there about 10 minutes later and said that there was definitely a creepy guy in a dark green jacket still sitting around looking in the direction of the bathrooms. I felt my stomach dropped. I asked them to talk to the staff to see if they could make him leave. I don’t know exactly what they did, but they texted me and told me he was gone within a few minutes. I told him the whole story and they were extremely confused. Even more so than I was. A couple of weeks later, a friend of mine who is still friends with my ex-boyfriend saw him bragging about how he totally got revenge on me. I guess he had gone into the comment section of one of my YouTube videos and found one of those creepy guys. He messaged them and had given them all of my real-life information. My friend said that he made it sound like he had done this with multiple guys meaning that there are potentially more of them out there looking for me right now. It’s still really freaks me out and makes me question what kind of a monster I had been dating after all. Who gives a person’s information out like that to strangers on the Internet, no less? I understand if he was upset about me breaking up with him, but I feel like I was within my right to break up with him. It didn’t give him the right to do that to me. Within a few weeks, I had to move apartments which was extremely expensive mid semester, but I didn’t want to take the chance that one of these creepy guys was going to show up at my house considering that my ex-boyfriend knew where I lived. I made sure to protect myself as best I can, but I still have to worry now. After that whole experience, I don’t tell anyone that I have a small YouTube channel. And as much as my channel has grown since then, I have still not been recognized in public by anyone else. And thankfully, it stays that way.


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Secrets from the russian tea room watch full series. Secrets from the russian tea room watch full video. Secrets from the Russian Tea Room Watch full review. Secrets from the russian tea room watch full episode. Oddly enough, the other night I had a dream I was pregnant. Which as a guy is pretty startling. So, in an odd quirk of fate, I understand Claire on a much deeper level this episode. From one mother to another. # Locke sure can’t catch a break. The Island even uses him to express other peoples’ nightmares. His eyes are black and white pieces and she wasn’t even around for that conversation. It’s almost like Jacob and the MIB are playing chess, and the survivors are the pieces... # This may be infantile to say, but this island sure does pick on its inhabitants. Claire’s having sleeping fits and bloody night terrors, Jack is watching his estranged, dead father walk around, Kate has to put up with Jack and Sawyer. The Island is kind of a dick. # Ironically enough, one could say the island gives and it takes. It offers both a chance to become the best you you can be as well as the opportunity to return to that same flawed person you’ve always been. Sort of like another mystical entity I know. Studying stories and narratives has become a favorite pass time. The more you study archetypal myths and culturally integrated stories, the more you see repeating patterns. Recognized behaviors of good being. That’s where transcendental truths start to come into play. This shit ain’t new. It's ingrained deep within us. We are telling the story of ourselves. # Unfortunately, this is one of those times where I can't quite remember what happens in these flashbacks. But considering how well that first flashback goes with Claire’s supportive boyfriend, and understanding the Lost writers as I do, I can't imagine it goes well from here. Edit: Nope. It certainly did not. # It’s difficult to comprehend the level of stress Jack is under. Ya know, with being plane-wrecked on an island full of dinosaurs where he’s the only doctor, and all. But to top it all off, amidst all that Chaos, he now has to worry about a woman giving birth sometime in the very near future. I bet there wasn’t a single moment where that horrible situation wasn’t niggling at the back of hid mind. He was probably trapped under those rocks during the cave-in, wondering if he was going to die, and then thought, “Oh shit, who’s going to deliver the baby? ” Talk about a ticking time bomb. The biological clock is literally and figuratively a-tickin’. # It’s interesting how Claire's friend mutters "What a freak" on the way out of the psychic’s place. Because that’s totally not what one should expect of an old guy who claims to be a psychic who works out of the living room of his farmhouse. That one’s on you, sister. # It’s a disheartening moment when Claire’s boyfriend tells her, “Yeah. Well now it's real. ” The entire atmosphere of my living room deflated. What a dirt bag move. He is willfully admitting that he didn't take Claire or the situation seriously when she told him the first time, all those months ago. And now he’s taking it out on her as if his sudden lapse in morality is her fault. Man. Lost likes to populate its world with pieces of shit. # Watching the build-up with Ethan this time around has led to some hilarious realizations. Such as when Hurley is getting his info for the census. When Ethan asks what the census is for, Hurley mentions how you would think that after all this time on the island, the survivors would know each other. And Ethan says, “Yeah, you would think that. ” I bet he was seriously saying that to himself. Like, these people are still strangers? What the hell have they been doing all this time? How have they not figured out cohabitation yet? # Was Malkin a hoax? Did he actually possess the gift? Did he tell her to get on that plane because he actually thought she could raise the baby (after all, many mothers go through self-doubt at first; that’s why they’re good mothers). So he set up her own heroic adventure, where she would hopefully learn the responsibility to take care of her own child while trying to find this non-existent couple? Or did he actually sense an opportunity; a hint of intuition that told him, if she went on this plane, she and her child would be all right? Depends on what you believe, really. Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint the difference between chance and destiny. # Looking back on the show throughout the years, it was always a bitter reconciliation when remembering how Claire’s story unfolds. For a long time it seemed like character turn. It felt like the writers didn't know what to do with her. And maybe they didn't. Now, however, considering what we know of the Island, it actually makes sense. Claire was always the Miracle Mother. She was the only person to give birth on the island ever since the statue was destroyed. While miracles are great, they come with ramifications. Whatever that sickness was that killed the mothers, she wasn’t completely immune. It may not have gotten Claire, but it took a chunk out of her. And she slowly lost her mind because of it. # Of all the many truths of Lost, only one is irrefutable: it is impossible not to love Hurley. # As hard of a time as he gives Hurley, it seems clear Sawyer genuinely likes him. He merely expresses it in that gruff, condescending manner of his. They have a fun, challenging relationship throughout the series. The first scene of those two is in this episode, and it's a joy, one of my favorite scenes. The best of both characters. # The Ethan reveal was done incredibly well. At first I thought they should have included him (briefly) in at least one more episode. This episode is only the second time we see/hear of Ethan, and the first time was a brief intro by Locke. It seems too instantaneous, but now it’s easy to appreciate. Despite the logistical issues of Ethan reaching the plane crash from the Others’ home turf, he is supposed to pop up randomly. That is the point. Sayid’s return armed with information on the Others was icing on the cake. The writers sure layered the shit out of this episode. Which leads us to the manhunt episode, and the glorious introduction of Jack “I do what I want” Shepherd.

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Universal Pictures The best adaptation of Victor Hugos classic romantic-gothic novel, the 1939 production of  The Hunchback of Notre Dame remains an eminently watchable film; the ambitious RKO Pictures feature rendered essential by Charles Laughtons devastating portrayal of the tragic Quasimodo, and the stunning art-direction of one of cinemas most gifted designers and architects, Van Nest Polglase. The Hunchback of Notre Dame  still makes for an impressive, engaging watch; its place in motion picture history assured by the real world context of its promotion and release – the movie boasting the distinction of being the first and only film screened at the inaugural Cannes Film Festival in 1939. For all of its glitz and glamour, Cannes is a festival with deep political roots. The brainchild of Philippe Erlanger, the acclaimed author and former Inspector General at the French Ministry of Education and Fine Arts, Cannes was originally conceived as an alternative to the Venice Film Festival, which by 1938 had been repurposed and retrofitted as a well oiled, if not scandalously jingoistic and partisan, hunk of propaganda machinery for fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Railing against the authoritarianism of Venice, Erlanger – with the approval and support of the French Education and Fine Arts Minister, Jean Zay, and Radical Socialist statesman, Albert Sarraut – laid the foundations for Cannes. The first edition of the festival launched on Friday 1 September 1939. As fate would have it, Hitler would also invade Poland on that very same day, leaving the world teetering on the brink of war; the dictators aggressive aggrandising cutting peaceful, everyday life and the inaugural Cannes Film Festival – among a million and one other (decidedly more important) things – short. Only one film would be shown during the short-lived 1939 festival: William Dieterles expressionistic take on Hugo. Other / Andreas Rentz With the war coming to an end in 1945, the French sought to get Cannes up and running again, using the event to lure tourists back to the Cote DAzur. The Palais des Festivals inviting the movers and shakers of world cinema to compete for the prized Palme dOr, Erlangers grand plans for the festival were eventually revived, and Cannes, as we know it today, was born. The rest is crowd-pleasing silver screen history. A few weeks ago Cannes celebrated that history, marking its 70th anniversary with yet another glamorous week of premieres, special screenings and showcases. Almost as intriguing as the features on show at Cannes 2017 has been the lively debate between Netflix and the global film industry in the run up to this years event; many within the latter taking umbrage with the American entertainment companys stance on streaming and the theatrical roll-out of its films. The spirited debate points to the changing nature of film consumption, modern cinema-goers viewing habits vastly different in our fast-paced era of on-demand TV and social media – certainly in comparison to Erlangers day. Even the ways in which we discuss movies have changed, with film podcasts incredibly popular among film buffs and cinephiles. Wed like to gently nudge you in the direction of some of the best film podcasts (with some TV thrown in for good measure, however stay tuned for a separate list of those) – new and old, fledgling and established. In no particular order, heres our short but exhaustive list of shows every film lover should be listening to. Established Podcasts The Canon American Film Institute Her voice soft and affable, so easy on the ear and full of music (the laid-back, lo-fi kind) its confounding, MTV News Amy Nicholson is a treat to listen to; the veteran critics intelligent musings – often enlivened by an off-beat wryness – providing an entertaining education on what makes great films great. Having served as the chief film critic at L. A. Weekly for three years, as well as the editor-in-chief of Boxoffice Magazine,  Nicholson discusses movies with the confident authority of a woman whos as acquainted with her local theaters as she is her own living room; feeling right at home in front of a silver screen. Following a six-month hiatus, The Canon  – thankfully – is back; Nicholson (sans s Devin Faraci) is taking to her microphone to debate, alongside a new co-host every week, the canonization of films generally regarded as classics. Each episode an engaging showcase of movie and pop culture discourse, the endearing Earwolf podcast makes for fun, informative listening. Listen to more  here. How Did This Get Made? Another Earwolf entry, How Did This Get Made? HDTGM, for short) delights in the inexplicable and the terrible, celebrating the very best of bad cinema. Doing so with a big smile on its face and its heart in the right place, the award-winning podcast takes a jovial and light-hearted approach to film criticism. Hosted by Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas, the deliriously funny show is more entertaining than most big budget box-office fare; the comical trios charm and chemistry irresistible. Whether breaking down the plot of Tommy Wiseaus cult favourite,  The Room, the gravity-defying action sequences of the Fast  franchise, or the sweaty gender politics of  Over The Top  – the  Citizen Kane  of arm wrestling movies – HDTGM shines an adoring spotlight on the brilliance of dumb movies. Listen to more here. Denzel Washington Is The Greatest Actor Of All Time Period Blumhouse From the legendary gait (see  Mo Better Blues, Training Day, American Gangster) to the heartbreaking  Glory  tear; the show-stealing performances of those enigmatic lips (quivering method performers; pioneers of lip acting) to that big, tuneful laugh, comedians Kevin Avery and W. Kamau Bell analyze – in comprehensive, painstaking detail – every aspect of Denzel Washingtons allure and appeal, lifting the lid on the great actors genius. The podcast a soapbox of sorts, unapologetic Denzel fanboys, Avery and Bell, make their case for Washingtons claim to the throne as GOAT; the funny twosome charming with their passion for the  Fences  star. Interviewing an impressive array of famous guests equally enamored with the two-time Oscar winner, the brilliant comedians discuss the wider history and politics of black cinema, in addition to waxing lyrical about their hero. A godsend for film buffs eager to learn more about the man, the myth and the legend that is the greatest actor of all time, period; Avery and Bells show consistently measures up to the brilliance of its subject. Last years Ava DuVernay episode is a particular highlight. The Treatment The second L. Weekly alum cited on this list, Elvis Mitchell, the American film critic – formerly of  the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, The Detroit Free Press and The New York Times  – hosts the public radio show, The Treatment. A visiting lecturer at Harvard and Film Scholar at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the 58-year-old Highland Park native discusses filmmaking with an academics command of his subject; each episode of his edifying show a seminar on the ins and outs of the movie business. Double Toasted Warner Bros. Podcast fans familiar with the Spill Crew – the irreverent, mad geniuses behind (the popular movie and video game review website) – will no doubt be pleased to hear that Double Toasted, a fun forum for film geeks launched in 2014, continues to live up to its billing as a spiritual successor to the much loved Spill. Based in Austin Texas, DT and created by the hilariously expressive critic and animator, Korey Coleman, serves up heaps of jocular pop culture goodness; its weekly podcasts – including The Movie Review Extravaganza – offering amusing hot takes on the latest movie and entertainment news. The Business The terrific Kim Masters hosts KCRWs Gracie Award-winning show, The Business. Each week, the erudite editor-at-large of the Hollywood Reporter examines industry news, conducting revealing interviews with stars and luminaries like Norman Lear, Terrence Winter and Brian Grazer; demonstrating – with her professionalism and candor – why she is regarded by many as the best in the business. You Must Remember This William P. Gottlieb A story-tellers story-teller, Karina Longworth wows with her dazzling ability to paint a scene, her captivating podcast, You Must Remember This, regaling fans of classic American cinema with transporting tales of Old Hollywood. Recounting the secret and/or forgotten histories of Hollywoods first century, the radio play production quality of Longworths podcast never ceases to amaze; the former Cinematical and SpoutBlog editors insightful examinations of the Hollywood blacklist, the MGM studio system and the Manson murders incredible feats of film journalism. The Frame Netflix Former Los Angeles Times staff writer John Horn is the voice of KPCCs daily arts and entertainment program, The Frame. With over 30 years experience covering movies, music and television, and straight from Southern California, Horn generously shares his impressive wealth of film and industry knowledge, delighting with his unique perspective and contagious passion for great cinema. Hollywood Babble-On David Klein Clerks  director Kevin Smith holds forth like no other. A skilled speaker, the pot-loving funny-man and comic-book aficionado turns self-deprecation into an art-form; the 46-year-old filmmaker approaching podcasting with the same levity and heart-on-his-sleeve honesty that elevated his 1994 convenience store comedy to cult classic status. Teaming up with the adorably acerbic Ralph Garman – the radio host and  Family Guy  voice over artist – Smith discusses the latest, strangest and most salacious celebrity and movie news, amusing his rapt audiences (the show recorded live) with first-rate dick jokes and old-man stoner humor. Scriptnotes Scriptnotes is a podcast that brims with writerly goodness; the wonderfully educational show offering precious tips and advice on the sweet science of screenwriting. Hosted by accomplished scribes John August ( Big Fish, Corpse Bride) and Craig Mazin ( The Hangover Part II  and  III) the excellent podcast takes a close look at the business of screenwriting; discussing the intricacies and finer points of the craft with a variety of stellar guests. Up-and-Coming Podcasts The Cine-files John Wells Production This authors favorite movie podcast, The Cine-Files  – hosted by Steve Morris (an LA-based filmmaker and directing instructor) and John Steven Rocha (a voice over artist and actor) – is the best new show of its kind: an incredibly articulate and well researched podcast exploring the big, wide world of great films and filmmaking. Psychology in Seattle HBO A podcast about psychology and psychotherapy, Psychology in Seattle occasionally dabbles in film criticism, providing the wholly original and admirable service of exploring mental health as presented on the big and small screen. Off White Podcast Dino-Ray Ramos Off White   Podcast zooms in on the portrayal of minorities and people of color on TV and the silver screen. Ramos, a reporter for The Tracking Board  – and former Bustle and Paste Magazine writer – chops it up with the young, diverse and gifted; providing some much needed “commentary with color. ” Black Girl Nerds Podcast A lively space for friendly, spirited debate and pop culture awesomeness, Black Girl Nerds is heaven online. The site is a fun platform for women (especially women of color) “with various eccentricities to express themselves freely and embrace who they are. ” In-keeping with the websites emphasis on self-love and freedom of expression, the Black Girl Nerds podcast encourages women (and men; ALL NERDS) to embrace their inner geek and passion for comics, superheroes, TV shows, and, of course, movies. Now that youre clued up on which podcasts to tune in to, check out our list of the 50 best movies releasing in 2017. Written by: Leke Sanusi.

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Welcome to the largest multilanguage movie subtitles collection on the web! Here you can download subtitles for a wide range of the most popular movies and TV series. You need subtitles? We have lots of them! Youre lucky to have found the largest database of subtitles for movies in different languages. Our team is working hard to regularly upload subtitles for new movies and keep the database up-to-date. Of course, it would be impossible to use such an extensive data collection without effective and well-tuned search function. Therefore we have put time and effort into development of something much more complicated than simple text search. For your convenience, subtitle search can be performed for several languages simultaneously. There are numerous other search parameters to choose from: genre, rating, release date etc. It will take you no time to find subtitles for your favorite movie or a TV series! And forget all those greedy sites where you have to pay at every step. All the movie subtitles are available for free download. You even dont have to register in order to get the subtitles you need – just search for them and start download! All the subtitles are virus-free and ready to use. Enjoy.

Article Summary X To download movies for free, visit a site that offers free films, like or When you reach the site, search for the film you want and choose the quality and format you want your download to be in. For example, you could choose a movie in MP2 format with a low resolution of 360 DPI. Then, click the download button below the player window and wait for the movie to appear on your desktop. If you want to use a BitTorrent, download a client like uTorrent or qBitTorrent. Then, use a search engine like, which includes legal movies to download. Remember that some torrent downloads are illegal and can result in penalties if youre caught, so always use a reputable provider. For tips on how to download free movies from on-demand services, read on! Did this summary help you.

You'll never reach it. Malibu is where she lived on Hannah Montana 🤗 if nobody has caught that yet. Probably just a coincidence though 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Buy movies and TV shows, download or stream them, and watch them anywhere with the Apple TV app. Before you buy * To stream a video on Apple TV, smart TVs, or streaming devices, select Play. Buy, then download or stream Follow the steps below for your device. On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Open the Apple TV app, tap the Watch Now tab, then tap a category, like Movies, TV Shows, or Kids. Or tap Search to find a specific movie or TV show. When you want to buy something: Tap a movie or TV show. Tap the Buy price, then tap Purchase. To buy a season or Season Pass for a TV show, scroll down to How to Watch, then tap Buy Seasons. You might need to sign in with your Apple ID. To play your video, tap.  Or tap   to download the video to your device. To find your movies and TV shows, go to the Library tab. On your Mac Open the Apple TV app, then go to Watch Now, Movies, TV Shows, or Kids at the top of the screen. Or go to Search in the upper-right corner to find a movie or TV show. Click a movie or TV show. Click the Buy price, then click Purchase. To buy a season or Season Pass for a TV show, scroll down to How to Watch, then click Buy Seasons. You might need to sign in with your Apple ID. To play your video, click. To download the video to your Mac, click. On your Apple TV, smart TV, or streaming device The Apple TV app is built in to Apple TV and is available on compatible smart TVs and streaming devices. Open the Apple TV app, then go to Watch Now, Movies, TV Shows, or Kids at the top of the screen. Or go to Search to find a movie or TV show. Select a movie or TV show. Select the Buy price. To buy a season or Season Pass for a TV show, scroll down to How to Watch, then select Buy Seasons. You might need to enter your Apple ID password to complete your purchase. To watch your video, select Play. You can't download videos to your Apple TV, smart TV, or streaming device. In iTunes on your PC Open iTunes on your PC, select Movies or TV Shows from the pop-up menu in the upper-left corner, then click Store in the navigation bar. Or go to Search to find a movie or TV show. Click the Buy price to purchase an entire season. Or click the price next to an episode to purchase a single episode. You might need to sign in with your Apple ID. For TV shows, you can find options for buying seasons and Season Passes at the bottom of the product page. To play your video, click. To download the video to your computer, click. To find your movies and TV shows, go to Movies > Library or TV Shows > Library. Learn about a movie or TV show If you want to know more about the release date, audio languages, subtitles, rating, or iTunes Extras offered with a video, check the information page for a movie or TV show. If you see. or   near a movie's name, you can watch it in higher-quality video formats on compatible devices. Learn more  about 4K, HDR, Dolby Vision, and Dolby Atmos. If you see   or   near a video's name, the video includes closed captioning or subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. Learn how to  turn on subtitles and audio languages. If you see   near a video's name, the video includes audio-described content. This means an optional audio track will describe non-verbal moments and action in the movie. Learn more  about audio-described content. To see if a movie includes bonus features, like deleted scenes, trailers, or commentary, scroll down to How To Watch and look for Includes iTunes Extras under Buy. Get help  with iTunes Extras. If you have a Season Pass or Multi-Pass for all current and future episodes of a TV show, you can find details about the pass at the bottom of the product page. When a new episode is available, you'll get a notification and an email. *4K, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, HDR, and iTunes Extras (if included) are only available with high-quality (HD) movie purchases. Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information. Published Date:   January 28, 2020.

This song ALWAYS brings tears to my eyes because the lyrics are so powerful 😭💙. That dream I'm dreaming but. Jonaskevinteachbailebiddlesinglessonatwitterscoms. Holy moly. Movie Quality Cinematics. I'd pay to see the movie for sure. Thank you for using our software library. Use the link below and download MoviePod legally from the developer's site. Download from DOWNLOAD Often downloaded with Apps for Mac. I was touched by this song. We need you to answer this question! If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now. Literally a god. Look her teeth! hahah. Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.

You can download select TV shows and movies on the Netflix app to watch offline later and it does not count toward the limit of how many screens you can watch on at the same time. Downloaded titles are only available on the device on which they are downloaded. The Downloads feature is available on devices that meet the requirements noted below; it is not supported for computer browsers. What do I need to download TV shows and movies on Netflix? An internet connection, and An active Netflix streaming account, and An iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 9. 0 or later, or A phone or tablet running Android 4. 4. 2 or later, or An Amazon Fire tablet running Fire OS 4. 0 or later, or A tablet or computer running Windows 10 Version 1607 (Anniversary Update) or later, and The latest version of the Netflix Apple iOS, Netflix Android, Amazon Fire, or Netflix Windows 10 app Note: Some Chromebook and Chromebox models may be able to download the current Netflix app for Android from the Google Play Store and use the downloads feature. If you see an error message when attempting to download or watch a title, search our Help Center for that message. How do I download a title? If you have a particular title in mind, you can search for that title and look for the Downloads icon. Once you have found a title, follow the steps below. Select the title you would like to download. On the description page, tap the Downloads icon. For TV shows, the icon will appear next to each available episode. Once the title has completed downloading, you can access it from the My Downloads section of the app. I'm not seeing the download option. Not all titles are available for download. If you do not have these options on your device, you may be attempting to download to a device that does not meet the criteria for downloads listed above. Some devices also allow Smart Downloads, a feature that will delete a downloaded episode after it's watched, then automatically download the next episode in the series. How do I watch a downloaded title? A download can only be watched on the device you downloaded the title on. Though you do not need to be connected to the internet to watch your downloaded titles, you will need to be signed in to your Netflix account to access them. To ensure you always have access to your downloads, we recommend remaining signed in to your Netflix app. iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch Select the Downloads icon from within the Netflix app. Tap the Play icon on the title you would like to watch. For TV shows, you must first select the show, then tap the Play icon on the episode you would like to watch. Android phone or tablet Amazon Fire tablet Windows 10 tablet or computer Open the Netflix app and tap the Menu icon. Select My Downloads. How do I delete a downloaded title? When you are finished watching a downloaded title, you can delete it from your device if you no longer wish to store it. Delete a single downloaded title from your iOS device: Tap Downloads. Tap Edit in the upper right corner of your screen. Tap the red X icon to remove the title from your device. Delete all downloaded titles from your iOS device: Tap the Menu icon. Scroll down and select App Settings. Select Delete All Downloads. On the confirmation screen, select Delete. All downloaded titles will be deleted. Delete a single downloaded title from your Android device: Tap the edit icon in the upper right corner of your screen. Select the titles you wish to delete by checking the box next to the titles. Tap the delete icon to remove the title from your device. Delete all downloaded titles from your Android device: Delete a single downloaded title from your device: Delete all downloaded titles from your device: Delete a single downloaded title from your Windows 10 device: Click or tap the Menu icon. Click or tap the edit icon in the upper right corner of your screen. Click or tap the delete icon to remove the title from your device. Delete all downloaded titles from your Windows 10 device: Click or tap. Select Settings If you have already closed your account and would like to delete any previously downloaded titles, you may delete the Netflix app to remove downloaded content on the device. How do I delete all downloads from a device? Depending on your streaming plan, you can have one, two, or four devices with downloaded titles on them at any given time. If you're seeing a message that you have downloads on too many devices, you can remove all downloads from one or more devices by following the steps below, even if you no longer have the device. When you remove a device, all downloads on that device will be deleted. Sign In to Netflix on a web or mobile browser. Select Account. Scroll down and select Manage Download Devices. Select Remove Device on any device you wish to remove. From, click or tap the Menu icon. Select Settings. Select Account Details. How do I change download video quality? You can select the download video quality that best fits your needs. Standard quality is a slightly lower video quality that requires less storage space and takes less time to download. Higher quality, up to 1080p depending on title downloaded, requires more storage space and takes more time to download. Sign In to Netflix from a web or mobile browser. Under the Downloads heading, select Video Quality. Select either Standard or Higher video quality. From the Netflix app, tap the Menu icon. Android devices must be able to stream Netflix in HD to select video quality. Learn more about Android HD-capable models. From the Netflix app, tap. How do I change download audio or subtitle settings? A TV show or movie will download with the audio and subtitle options set at time of download. You can update the title's audio or subtitle settings before downloading it, or delete the download, update the audio or subtitle settings, and download the title again. How can I manage my Android storage location? Android devices with an installed SD card allow you to store your downloads there. Under the Downloads heading, select Download Location. Select where you would like to store your downloads. This will change the storage location of future downloads. Titles you have already downloaded will remain where they are. Do downloads impact my data usage? Downloading and streaming consume similar amounts of data. If you are concerned about mobile data usage, we suggest downloading while connected to Wi-Fi. See our Help Center for more information on data usage. Is there a limit to how many titles I can download? You can currently store a maximum of 100 titles on a single device at any given time. Attempts to store more than 100 titles will result in an error. The number of titles you can download is dependent upon the available storage space on your device. Not all devices are able to store 100 downloads. Is there a limit to how many times a title can be downloaded? Yes, some titles can only be downloaded a limited number of times per year due to licensing rights for those titles. If you try to download a title after it has reached its yearly limit you will receive an error message that you've reached the limit. To learn more about licensed content, please visit How does Netflix license TV shows and movies. Is there a limit to how many devices I can have downloads on? The maximum number of devices you can download titles on is equal to the number of screens you can watch Netflix on at the same time, based on your plan. For example, a 2 screen plan allows downloads on 2 devices. If you have downloads on the maximum number of devices allowed for your plan, you will need to delete all downloads from at least one device before you can download onto a new device. Will I be notified when a download is about to expire? After you download a title to your device, you have a limited amount of time to watch it before it expires. Titles that are expiring from your device in less than 7 days will display the amount of time you have left. When a title you have downloaded is no longer available on Netflix, the download will expire and you will not be able to play it. See our Help Center for more information on why downloads expire and how to renew downloads. Can I still watch my downloads if I close my account? No. Once your account is closed, any downloaded titles will no longer be available to watch.

Unfortunately, no. However, you can temporarily download our films via our Android and iOS mobile apps and keep them on your device for offline viewing. Still need help? Contact Us Last updated on February 5, 2020.

Still listening January 2020. love this song. 😍

I'm so proud of my generation. Go guys, we can do this. My inner childhood. man hit me hard 🙏🏼😩❤️. I can't take a day without you here. I miss this Miley But this was never her true self. Crying in 2019 because I couldn't get Mean out of my head and now I'm stuck in this rabbit hole and I will not leave.

The struggles I'm facing. I dont care about in which year you're watching this video. The Climb is timeless and a masterpiece of musics history. I'm singing while reading at the comments. Category: Converters Rating: Last Updated: 2020-02-14 File size: 3. 68MB Operating system: Windows 10/7/8/8. 1/Vista Download 18, 400 downloads This file will download from MoviePod's developer website. Visit MoviePod site and Download MoviePod Latest Version! Why Download MoviePod using YepDownload? MoviePod Simple & Fast Download! Works with All Windows (64/32 bit) versions! MoviePod Latest Version! Fully compatible with Windows 10 Disclaimer MoviePod is a product developed by Nullriver, Inc... This site is not directly affiliated with Nullriver, Inc... All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

4Media iPod to PC Transfer Transfer music, movie, ringtone, photo, eBook, apps from iPod, iPhone, iPad to iTunes and computer. Free to try User rating Publisher: 4Media Software Studio Downloads: 484, 277. When you buy and download music, a movie, or a TV show from the iTunes Store, Apple Music app, or Apple TV app and the download gets interrupted, you can restart the download. Restart a download on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Open the iTunes Store app. On your iPhone or iPod touch, tap More   at the bottom of the screen, then tap Downloads. On your iPad, tap Downloads. You won't see Downloads unless you have items available to download. If asked, enter your Apple ID  and password. Find the download that you want to restart, then tap the blue download arrow. If you can't complete the download on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, try to download it in the Apple Music app or Apple TV app on your Mac, or in iTunes for Windows on your PC. Then sync it to your device. If you still can't restart your downloads, learn what to do. Restart a download on your Mac or PC On your Mac, open the Apple Music app or Apple TV app. On your PC, open iTunes for Windows. If you're not signed in,  sign in with your Apple ID. In the menu bar at the top of your screen, choose Account > Check For Available Downloads. Enter your Apple ID password, then click View Account. Your downloads will automatically restart. If they don't,  learn what to do. If you still can't restart your downloads, try these steps Restart your  iPhone,  iPad,  iPod touch, or computer. Make sure that your iPhone or iPod touch is updated to the latest version of iOS, iPad is updated to the latest version of iPadOS, or Mac is updated to the latest version of macOS. On your PC, make sure that you're using the latest version of iTunes for Windows. If you use Wi-Fi for Internet access, use a different Wi-Fi network when you download. If you connect to a home network, restart your Wi-Fi router. Also, check for and install any firmware updates for your Wi-Fi router. Refer to your router manufacturer's website for information on how to update its firmware. If you can't connect to the iTunes Store,  check your settings and network connections. Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information. Published Date:   January 28, 2020.

What a powerful voice she has. 2020, ten years later... Who knew this song would have so much more meaning now than then after all she's been through? Her experiences really add on to the meaning of this song. Still gives me goosebumps when I watch Joe McElderry - we went to the X Factor Tour after he won the X Factor and it was fantastic. wish the X Factor was like this again. I can definitely tell she sing this song with her heart and soul. She really felt it. It's like she realized it. I'm glad she's in a better place mentally and better health.


9.1/ 10stars